Folks, I'm not passing judgement on the existence of this historical stem made of albatross bone or folks who own them. I did make the point that when you take time to observe and relate to a species, it changes your perspective, and I'm not ashamed of that. Reference the human values comment, I repeat, this is an animal nicknamed a Gooney Bird by the ill informed, so it has hardly been the darling of parlor society. Right now, the Laysan Albatross, along with other sea life, is being killed off by vast (hundreds, thousands of miles) of plastic trash from ocean dumping. The adults eat it as squid and regurgitate it for their chicks, and the chicks' intestines are blocked and they die. Researchers have found the outline of chick skeletons encircling little piles of colored plastic refuse, illustrating this process. As you know, I am not any sort of crusader on this site, and won't stay on, or get on, soap boxes. But sometimes it is likely proper to state what you know. So that's the Laysan Albatross as I know it.