I went to the repair shop of Howard Schulte in Vero Beach, Fl. I brought along a Brebbia RokRoot that I'd knocked off a pipe stand to a wooden floor resulting is a hairline shank crack at the mortise area.
I stood there chatting with Howard about his previous experiences as a teacher and how we both had fathers who were machinists, as he made quick work of the repair. Within 10 minutes he handed me back the pipe, with a nickel band in place like it had grown there.
I asked him what he thought of my pipe.
He said, "well, you know that when you see a rusticated pipe that the maker was typically using a blemished piece of briar. It's nice and light."
Ah, what does HE know? heh heh....So..I've got a Brebbia with a wide open draw, a classic billiard shape and is light weight with a wonderful texture.
He also commented on a personal distaste for working on used pipes, his primary source of employment, because of all the years of gunking up pipes with drool. Howard hasn't smoked in more than 20 years.
He's quite an interesting guy.
I hope to get back to visit with Howard again one day and get some pics of his operation.