This Post is Regarding the Subject Line

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Smoking a Pipe Right Now
Staff member
Nov 16, 2008
St. Petersburg, FL
Please allow me to express my personal opinion about something. I say "personal opinion" because I want it to be clear that this is not a new forum policy. It's just a suggestion and a request. I have always found all forums that I have ever owned or helped manage to be better off when the moderators did their moderating with a light touch.
One of my pet peeves is the SUBJECT line, both in forums and in emails.
Want to annoy me? Send me an email with no subject.
If you can't be bothered to put a subject line, for whatever reason, (whether you don't think it's important, you are in a rush, or your brain can't figure out what the email is actually about), then I can't be bothered to read it.
When it comes to forums, I frequently see people putting some generic words or phrase in the subject line. Something that has zero description as to the topic of discussion.
My best guess is that some people think that they are making it a teaser and that some people will not be able to resist clicking on it out of curiosity to find out what the post is about.
Not me. I just pass it right by.
So if you want to talk about me behind my back in plain sight, put a subject line like this:
So, I was thinking ...
I'll be sure to pass it by.
On the other hand, if you want me to actually read it, put a subject line like this:
Kevin is a Turd
- or -
Review of New Balkan Sobranie
Anyway, in my opinion, generic, nondescript subject lines are either someone thinking they are being clever when they are not, or someone just being lazy.
One more thing - can you please use the teeny tiny bit of extra effort to Capitalize Each Word as the subject is an actual Title.



Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 1, 2011
I agree with the vague subject lines in forums. While I do occasionally click on a cryptic subject, I'm usually disappointed by whats inside.
One more thing - can you please use the teeny tiny bit of extra effort to Capitalize Each Word as the subject is an actual Title.
Fellow Grammar Nazis unite! In all seriousness, this is a huge peeve of mine as well, ever since I started using the net. I always hear the same excuse too, "It doesn't matter as long as you understand me." Actually yes, it does matter.



Jun 9, 2011
One more thing - can you please use the teeny tiny bit of extra effort to Capitalize Each Word as the subject is an actual Title.
Whew!!! Great to hear that I am not the only who is peeved by that also!!!!! :lol:

Jun 26, 2011
Pacific Northwest USA
Hugely valid opinion Kevin.

There are times it's hard to resist playing "teaser" with the subject line but I try my best not to. A properly descriptive subject goes a long ways toward making it easier to locate information and topics of interest.
Here's another one folks ought give thought to.
With the exception perhaps of "What Are You Smoking", read the whole thread before you post.

Have an idea of the tenor of the thread, what has already been offered as advise or opinion or information.

When possible or appropriate give some indication that you've read the preceding posts, this goes far towards keeping the forums conversation like and friendly.
Grammer Nazis, hehe, they could all have a field day with my writin'...



Aug 14, 2011
portascat said:

"Capitalization is the difference between helping your Uncle Jack off a

horse, and helping your uncle jack off a horse."
Always loved this quote when I read it here.
The worst has to be "READ THIS" in the subject line. :rofl:



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 24, 2011
and my particular pet hate: when the subject line starts with "Re:" when in fact I know I have never emailed this person/entity before....a clever way to make you open the mail before you realise that it is in fact spam and not a reply from someone you have previously emailed



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 4, 2011
Totally agree Kevin... I'm super obsessed with all thing literary and grammatical... Even to the point I just HAVE to go back and edit a post if I noticed even a slight typo in there somewhere. :crazy:

Plus this will probably help the moderators a bit as well.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 6, 2011
Marietta, Ohio
Okay now you have me going through all my threads to make sure I am not one of the culprits.
I'm in the same boat Paul. I'm really hoping I didn't do anything like that, I'd hate to get anyone here upset with me. Ya'll have been very nice and patient with this virgin pipe smoker.



Jul 30, 2010
Norman, Oklahoma
I love this thread Kevin! I tend to fix peoples threads a bunch.... sorry guys :mrgreen:
Also guys if you see someone doing these things, don't call them out on there thread. It takes away from the thread itself and it isn't your job! You can get ahold of Kevin, Lawrence, or myself and we will take care of it!



Feb 20, 2011
Richmond, BC
Also guys if you see someone doing these things, don't call them out on there thread. It takes away from the thread itself and it isn't your job! You can get ahold of Kevin, Lawrence, or myself and we will take care of it!

I'm bad for this, I'll try and keep my mouth shut.



Can't Leave
Jun 15, 2011
Well Darn and Tarnation. Knows I knows why i feed and watered my horses at the hitching post

durin english at Lutz school. So i cans miss out on that class.No,s matter the Horse more


Damn--kick me in the but-to mush wiskey---should of log off.

why is my shoe wet ? don't have no dog-maybe some one is pissed of? Done it myself!!!!!!!!!!!!

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