My local B&M does not require a purchase in order to enjoy their smoking lounge. I understand Louie's dilemma, however - rent on a retail space is not cheap, and the lounge is not provided simply out of the goodness of the proprietor's heart. This leads to an expectation (at least on my part, and I'm guessing on Louie's, based on his post) that we, the customers, should in fact be customers if we're going to take advantage of the comfy chairs, table lighters, and ventilation systems... even if the proprietor makes no such demands.
But I'm also on a strict budget at the moment - so my current way of 'paying the rent' is to make sure that I'm smoking the house blend tobacco that I previously purchased there, in the pipe that I previously purchased there, stashed in the pouch that I previously purchased there. At least until I've got enough cash on hand to pick up some butane and a bundle of pipe cleaners. :D