LOL Jonesing.
I have some good news about Chelsea.
She is the first "Pipe Babe" that actually smokes a pipe in real life. In those pictures she is smoking her own pipe and her own tobacco.
She is also going to become a bigger part of the site in the future.
I'm not sure on the timing, probably the 3rd of 4th quarter, but you will see Chelsea in videos and maybe doing an article or two.
First I learn RJ is 10 years younger than I am and not only that… his lovely wife is 10 years his junior. Change threads expecting to read a review on G.L. Pease Chelsea Morning and what do I find but a very attractive auburn haired young beauty with killer blue-gray eyes… I can only take so much so I’m off to satisfy the one desire I can control time for my PAD fix!
Phil, if she's from Iowa, then you'd better coach her on the nuances of cob smoking -- just so she can be "in character"!
Welcome Chelsea. As you can see, some of us like to pick on Iowans; and Phil's a big target (usually.)