The way I read it, he didn't stash enough tobacco so he's having to dig his way out to get some. (?) I'm looking out the window right now, in central N.C., at the bigs flakes coming down, supposedly potentially 4 to 6 inches depending on the area. For us, here, this is a big snow fall. Temps may melt a good deal of it over the weekend, but it's going to be slow moving until that happens. For the days of snowfall we have, and the days it stays on the ground, it just isn't cost effective to have the huge fleets of trucks to plow and salt, though we have some of those, and they've been brining the big roads for days. But ah, the beauty. And the sound of it, a kind of whisper, and the quiet veil it imposes on the landscape. You give yourself to that and work around the bother.