Thinking about puffing

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K.E. Powell

Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 20, 2022
West Virginia
Daydream of smoking? That's fairly rare. I think I'd find random daydreaming of smoking to be something of an intrusion, where desire begins to take those first few hapless steps into addiction. That is just me, though; I don't expect everyone to be as prone to being a giant bore as myself. The occasional passing fancy is all well and good, but I want my smoking to remain what I initially set it out to be: a means of enjoying to the full what leisure I may earn (or not earn, if it comes to that).

So, when the chores are done and time allows, I take to my pipe. If I am in good company that doesn't mind my pipe smoke, and conversation and beer flow freely, I take to my pipe. And if I read a good book or somesuch, and wish to really ponder on it deeply, I take to my pipe. Beyond such instances, however, I typically don't even think about smoking, because I would not enjoy it as much, and I'd not sully one of my few truly beloved things by being unthinking and/or unfeeling in its consumption. This is probably why I smoke maybe 1-2 bowls a day, maybe 3 on a day without work or worry. And that is just the pace I want.
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Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
Another bob, are you a counselor? If so, enjoying a pipe would probably be a great way to take a break from the issues of the day.
nope a janitor but I seem to be one of those people that consulted a lot about peoples problems. And what's funny is that both of the people I worked with that night are known for being reserved and not too chatty. There are two other people I work with that know once you get them to open up they're chattier then even some chatterbox like me is.


May 26, 2022
Florida - Space Coast
I’m on vacation with my family and do not have a pipe with me. I find myself walking around and thinking about pipes…my own, ones I want to make, even occasionally mouthing the action of puffing. Has anyone else experienced this? Have to admit that daydreaming about pipes isn’t a bad way to spend the afternoon.
Can't say i have, mainly because I've never gone anywhere without either a pipe or cigars, usually cigars because it's just easier. Live and learn.

Not hard to google a tobacco shop and go buy a MM and some tobacco.
Nov 20, 2022
I’m on vacation with my family and do not have a pipe with me. I find myself walking around and thinking about pipes…my own, ones I want to make, even occasionally mouthing the action of puffing. Has anyone else experienced this? Have to admit that daydreaming about pipes isn’t a bad way to spend the afternoon.
Being on vacation without a pipe, is that the question? Never

The rest happens constantly, or at least daily.

Nov 20, 2022
When work slows down I spend a lot of time at my desk. This inevitably leads me to cruising the interwebs and window shopping all kinds of pipes and tobacco without ever pulling the trigger on them. I only average about a bowl a day and I already have more tobacco than I could smoke in a year. The only purchase I could really justify is another medium sized briar (only have one at the moment), but I haven't found the right one at the right price.
My condolences. Obviously you only have a year to live, otherwise why can't you justify buying more tobacco?!!!

Consider years of life, smoking more after retirement, and wanting variety. I'd say you better start cutting back on food to pay for more tobacco. After all, you can't afford not to! Tobacco prices will increase and with taxes and inflation, it is the only sensible retirement investment.



Staff member
Jul 28, 2013
Burlington WI
Going on a 5 day break Monday and keep getting told by my wife I need to start thinking about packing my suitcase. I've told her it will have to wait until I've settled on my pipe bag. When I said 'if you love me you'd understand' I just got a roll of the eyes.
I always decide on pipes and tobacco first. And I pack enough for a 12 month getaway, whilst only being gone for a weekend.

Some may think it's crazy, but I'll be damned if I'm pissed off, and tobacco less on vacation.