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Feb 8, 2012
wow. now I will say ive been there a cpl times because the owner was on here and I had got the software but havent been active and have forgot about the site lol. That was uncalled for really.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 3, 2010
Well, you know sometimes you get upset with something thats not really making you upset? Maybe something like that is the case here, surely it wasn't the only thing bothering him. God knows we've all been upset about something silly and lost our lids, luckly the internet wasn't there to preserve it!! haha, or maybe it was!



Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 29, 2011
End of you on this forum? Why? You didn't do anything wrong man, that guy is a trip. People take this stuff way too seriously. There are clearly many, many more layers to his problems and anger.



Might Stick Around
Jan 21, 2012
Unfortunately, I've seen this happen more than once. I've been a member of several cigar forums and sometimes things can take a turn for the worse. Members can become "cliquish" and make it uncomfortable for potential new members or just bash people. Back in the day, there were only one or two forums around, they were with typewriter fonts and more like an email group. The larger things get, moderation becomes more difficult and there are always people that come on just to cause trouble. When I see that things are starting to become "not fun" anymore, I don't' tell anyone, just fade away so to speak. There are many good choices now and there's no need to go or stay somewhere, where there is no brotherhood. The mods or admin who are usually the ones that started or put the most time into the forums may take offense if someone leaves but they have to realize that people don't just leave for the hell of it, there is always a reason. I actually just lurked for a month or so just to see what the atmosphere was here and a couple other forums. Needless to say, I found the camaraderie to be similar to my cigar forum here and I actually liked Kevin and Lawrence's pics lol.
So in short, don't' try to explain why you're leaving, just let him know its not personal and fade away... G1



Jan 31, 2011
I'm not quite sure why, but somehow this seems to fit here: :rofl:



May 4, 2011
I've left or been kicked off several forums and its usually because I eat, sleep and shit where I want. And I let people know this when they tell me grammar school nonsense like that. I'm on both forums but I haven't really gotten involved over there. I don't get the Kevin hating. Maybe he secretly hates puppies, but He's always had a good attitude as far as I have seen. As always, Ace, I feel most of the folks on here are happy to have you, so no worries.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 5, 2010
I've been a member of three forums. One "was" That one shut down with out so much as a kind word for those that might have wished to continue it after so many years of contributing. Contest prizes were not delivered and the Moderator was a nice guy but became "AWOL". It was very sad!
Then I went to (by invitation). In an earlier Topic, I have already addressed my disappointment with that forum and why I left it, never to return. Basically, "over-Moderation". This is a very click-oriented forum. If that is your thing, good luck and go for it.
Now, I am very happy here. I have not crossed swords with any one here, and I have no intentions to do so. I appreciate the wonderful participation, great members and the Moderators. I have found a new home here!




Mar 9, 2010
Gentlemen and gentlewomen: We are mature pipesmokers who are supposed to be able to reflect on things calmly while puffing away on our pipes. I would like to think we are better than that.



Jul 13, 2010
Nice. Ace, I'm sorry that you were treated that way by another pipe smoker. I've always believed that we are from a different cloth than the norm and we collectively share a similar appreciation for relaxing with our pipes. Guess not everyone that smokes a pipe is from that cloth.

I know this will be the end of Me on this forum but I think You needed to know.
I hope that by using the word, "this" you mean "that" forum and not this one. You're A-OK in my book!



Smoking a Pipe Right Now
Staff member
Nov 16, 2008
St. Petersburg, FL
Lawrence & Jason decided to kill this thread because they know this isn't a place for drama.
I'm not into drama at all, but I thought about this and decided that I would like the community here to be more informed.
Several months ago, I was contacted by Carl Hackman asking for special permission to promote his software product in the forums.
Out of the kindness of my heart, to help support what I perceived as a small, upstart entrepreneur, I gave him permission.
He got LOTS of FREE promotion here in several threads.
More recently he said things were going well enough that he might be able to advertise and requested the ad rates.
Now it seems he requested that information so he could use it in an attempt to compete with Pipes Magazine.
He has launched his own digital magazine for pipe smokers.
He has solicited EVERY SINGE PERSON that has ever written for Pipes Magazine asking them to write for him, including my good friends; Greg Pease, Adam Smith and Romeowood. They all turned him down.
He has solicited EVERY SINGLE ADVERTISER and given them free ads, asking that they pay for them in the future.
The Admins in his forum have sent individual solicitations to members of this forum asking them to participate over there.
Much of what he has accomplished in distributing his software, getting members on his forum, writers and potential advertisers for his magazine are all due to the initial promotion here, and by data mining of this site.
Here are my thoughts and feelings on this -
1. I'm angry for the disloyalty and betrayal of some people. I tried to help a guy and he turns around to compete with me. Some members here helped him by soliciting for him and didn't even tell me what was going on.
What I initially thought was completely independent of this situation was when Baskerville took the initiative to ask for his account to be deleted and I did so only being informed that someone here ticked him off.
Later, I figured that it was really probably because he is a "Super Admin" over there. About a year ago he asked to be a Mod here, and I turned him down. So, I think there are some sour grapes there.
I individually emailed Paul A. and Mark S. asserting my disappointment that they were contributing to my new potential competitor without even informing me of what was going on.
Paul took offense and asked for his account to be deleted, and I complied.
Mark apologized, and I accepted his apology. He is still active here. However, he is no longer a Mod. This is because he is an admin over there, and mods here are in on private discussions and info about the business here. So, our new inside rule is that if you are a Mod here, you cannot be a mod or admin on another pipe or cigar forum.
Mark understands and we are both grown up enough to remain friends, not only here, but on Facebook too, and to not take it personally.
2. My thoughts business-wise - The new upstart may get a little attention, but it's not a game-changer. Ultimately, I don't think it will be successful. The market won't support it.
In the end, the numbers will tell the story.
Getting back to the theme of the start of this thread, it appears I am in good company with Ace, and that Baskerville doesn't agree with my above assessment, as here is the PM I received from him on Facebook -



Jun 5, 2010
Cornelius, NC
Thanks for sharing all the insider information on what is going on.
People, you put your faith in them, and they'll let you down every time, confirming that this is truly the Insane Asylum of the Universe....same thing, different Century.



Oct 12, 2011
Pray for someone with anger management issues like that.Horrible thing to go through life feeling that.Life is way,way to short my friends... :puffy:



May 8, 2011
Wow, Kevin, thats crazy! I would never join that forum if not for the sole reason that the owner is a liar.

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