There Was Once a Time I Loved Long Smokes

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Epip Oc'Cabot

Can't Leave
Oct 11, 2019
I remember when I would go out for my 105 min or 120 min smoke. Then found out my other med problems and cut down on pipe smoke. Way I figure it, or thought, longer exposure to nicotine wouldn't be any help to my condition. And one of the neurosurgeon actually told me to quit everything. I fired him and got a new one.

Since then, I have just sticked to the energy sticks. Only smoke half way, and mostly less than 10 a day. I'm itching to smoke pipes, but 1 hour or more of smoking still bothers me. Not the nicotine, but the actual time spent on being out there. Time is short, and I want to cram in as much activities as possible of what I have left.

My father passed away when he was 78. Most of my uncles passed away past 80. My grandmother on my mother's side lived well over 90, but she's not bio grandmother, and I have no idea how long bio grandmother lived.

My father's side, grandfather passed away in his 40s due to a stomach cancer, but back then who knew what it was really about? Grandmother passed was due to a traffic accident.

I'll be 57 this year, so I figured I have 20 years at most left. That's more than 50 years that I figured when I wás in highschool.

I have number of my beloved Peterson and shit ton of tobacco. At most I smoked a bowl a day. I need to figure out how to smoke pipes in a short time without rushing it. I mean, back when I smoked daily, 105 min wasn't a big deal. But now, it seems like a long time.
I wouldn’t see any problem with your just smoking a bowlful of whatever blend you want in the pipes you have….. and just stop when the time length you feel comfortable with occurs. You could then:

A) put the pipe aside and pick it up again later if you do not mind a bowl that has sat for some time.


B) just knock out the remainder of the bowl even though it is not “finished” and be ok with that. And pack a fresh bowl for the next “short” smoke.

One of the above is what I would do if I want only a short smoke. You do not HAVE to fully complete a bowl and take an hour or two.
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Sep 12, 2020
Spain - Europe
I almost died two years from an auto immune disease from Long Covid. Even though I have smoked a pipe since 1980 I did not smoke as much as I wanted due to work etc. Now that I am retired and almost died I realized that if I don't do the things I want to do now, when do I really expect to do them-when I die? I don't think so. Now I have enjoyed hour long smokes several times a day and enjoy every moment of life that I have left. I have been told on several occasions that people with my condition have lost 10 to 20 years of life span. I'm 67 so chances are I am not going to make it to 95 which was how old my mother was when she died last week. I pick up my pipe and enjoy every bowl I smoke-life is short my friend.
I am very sorry. My sincere condolences on the passing of your mother. Prayers for her.