I was sitting at the kitchen table after dinner tonight fine tuning the button on one of my pipes and my seven year old sat down beside me and started asking me lots of questions about my pipes. He was really taking an interest, he asked me what each part was called and why I smoked a pipe. Then he said how come I never see you smoke your pipe much? I hadn't thought too much about it really. When my sixteen year old was little he had a bubble pipe, and then a little briar pipe and there are pictures of him with a pipe in his mouth on my lap while I smoked smoking his own pipe. You see I don't smoke less now than back in the late 90's in fact I probably smoke much more. I run my own construction business so have a pipe in my mouth pretty much from the time that I leave in the morning with my first coffee to my getting home at night. I smoke a bowl when I take the dog for a walk at night and outside on Saturday and Sunday while tinkering. Somewhere along the way I think I bought into the second hand smoke rhetoric because I smoke so little around my kids now that they are asking why I don't smoke anymore. So while it's great that my son is taking an interest although the chance of him taking up the hobby in 15 or 20 years is slim these days I have to ask myself, am I doing them a disservice by not smoking around them more. Some of my fondest memories of my Dad are with his pipe. It was a part of him. He smelled like a pipe, his tobacco and pine shavings and Old Spice aftershave. I realized that I do not shave in front of my kids, yet it was a favorite memory of mine watching my Dad shave and getting shaving cream put on my nose by his huge hands. I wonder, is the thread of second hand smoke real enough that somewhere along the way I am robbing my kids of memories I had, or have I just gotten to busy to realize what incredible memories these things create. Food for thought........ Weight in with your opinions I would love to hear them.