Featuring such classics as Since I’ve Been Smoking You and Whole Lotta Sauce
Featuring such classics as Since I’ve Been Smoking You and Whole Lotta Sauce
I'm sorry, but it's simply not good enough...
An anonymous commenter on the Internet told me GH&Co. was a bunch of nasty people making crappy stuff, and now a voice who claims to be the "director of the company" answers questions for an extended period demonstrating that's not only not the case, but quite the opposite.
What kind of a sucker do you take me for?
Unless and until someone finds a way to animate the tobacco itself and interviews IT on live television, my mind will not be changed, OK?
. You may or may not know that Rachel is an advocate for animal rights (at least dogs) - which may explain why she is so comfortable chiming in on this forum.
No, wrong album… funny though.Featuring such classics as Since I’ve Been Smoking You and Whole Lotta Sauce
As opposed to before when? I ask because my batch (bulk) is about 2-3 years old now. It’s the only batch I have had beside a tin of it around the same date.I'm smoking some new edition Ennerdale bulk and I kinda think the sauce is back and its heavily sauced to boot.
I have found current iterations to be waining in the sauce dept but this is very much like days of yore, 10+ years I'd say. I don't know it the saucing dept slipped with the watering can or what but its very much like the old stuff.As opposed to before when? I ask because my batch (bulk) is about 2-3 years old now. It’s the only batch I have had beside a tin of it around the same date.
No but it's fresh for sure. The sauce is so strong that I can smell it as soon as I walk into the smoking room and Its been sitting in a ziplock for 10 days now. Its my daily smoke atm its that yummy.I just smoked some. Seemed good to me, but I am intrigued about this new back to the status quo sauce.
The current batch I have seems good. But I’d pick bosun plug over Ennerdale. From all the reviews and feedback could point to my batch being watered down in the sauce as you say. Or could just be I like bosun plug more.
Don’t suppose there was a date on this new batch ya got?