With all the tussle and hub bub of what Gawith is or isn't doing, I thought many of you might welcome a change in direction regarding the activities of Gawith. Also, it was nice to hear the actual voice of our representative from Gawith. You may or may not know that Rachel is an advocate for animal rights (at least dogs) - which may explain why she is so comfortable chiming in on this forum.
I found the interview to be very informative on many levels. First, the challenges faced by tobacco companies navigating the various regulations set up in Southeast Asia to prevent them from selling tobacco is reminiscent of what we see in the Western countries as well. When Rachel spoke about how Tawain - I believe it was Tawain - was having them do chemical analysis on the smoke particles of each blend and the cost associated with doing this and how it eats into the profits and thereby creates another barrier, it very much reminded me of the handgun regulations California has set up to do the same. The various tests that each new model must pass - tests that are insipid and stupid and have nothing to do with anything other than drive up costs to the manufacturer - well, it seems that this is a regulatory feature of all governments who desire to trample our rights in the name of "safety". Lastly, I was amazed to learn how little of the tobacco was being shipped to the various southeastern countries - much of it under 1000 kg. The question I have is are these markets growing or just holding steady. Is pipe smoking expanding by numbers or are is it that existing pipe smokers are just now being reached? All in all, an interesting and different take on this thing of ours.