Ahi La La La |
Bayareabriar |
Bengel |
BluegrassBrian |
brooklynpiper |
captainsousie |
Charlie718 |
Chris Streeper |
CoffeAndBourbon |
cohibajoe |
condorlover1 |
cosmicfolklore |
Crapgame |
d4k23 |
DanWil84 |
Devil Anse |
Elasmo |
eslavs |
Fbg121 |
HawkeyeLinus |
Heavysmokertn |
Jacob74 |
jaytex1969 |
jguss |
Jimmy_jack |
Jmill208 |
jvnshr |
kanaia |
keith929 |
Kozeman |
Lightxmyfire |
Lotus Eater |
lukasstrifeson |
Marc75 |
Michigan_Bill |
Mikethompson |
mtwaller |
OlJawBone |
peteguy |
PipeIT |
PipesRock |
sablebrush52 |
scloyd |
Shaintiques |
Skeeter456 |
Solideogloria86 |
Spartacus |
spicy_boiii |
Spinkle |
Spookedpiper |
Tar Wheel |
Trouttimes |
TwoOneFive |
Username |
wayoutwest |
weezell |
Winton |
Woodsroad |
I don't get it. Where's the punchline?
That I am a clown??What you sayin?
@UncleRasta welcome to the wonderful world of Secret Santa, and this thread which is easily one of the top 200 threads of the year.Let's Welcome UncleRasta to the fray.
You're 61, pal.
Let's not overplay our hand here.@UncleRasta welcome to the wonderful world of Secret Santa, and this thread which is easily one of the top 200 threads of the year.