Thanks for the idea. I'm going to get my wife a t-sheet with that emblazoned on it for Christmas. Once she calms down I'm sure she'll appreciate the thoughtfulness behind the gift.
Screen Name: |
Ahi La |
Bayareabriar |
Bengel |
BluegrassBrian |
brooklynpiper |
captainsousie |
Chris Streeper |
CoffeAndBourbon |
condorlover1 |
cosmicfolklore |
d4k23 |
DanWil84 |
Devil Anse |
Elasmo |
eslavs |
Fbg121 |
HawkeyeLinus |
Heavysmokertn |
Jacob74 |
jaytex1969 |
jguss |
Jmill208 |
jvnshr |
kanaia |
keith929 |
Kozeman |
Lightxmyfire |
Lotus Eater |
lukasstrifeson |
Michigan_Bill |
Mikethompson |
mtwaller |
OlJawBone |
peteguy |
PipeIT |
PipesRock |
sablebrush52 |
scloyd |
Shaintiques |
Skeeter456 |
Solideogloria86 |
Spartacus |
spicy_boiii |
Spinkle |
Spookedpiper |
Tar Wheel |
Trouttimes |
TwoOneFive |
Username |
wayoutwest |
weezell |
Winton |
Woodsroad |
Participants will receive their match's screen name, name, address and preferences.@woodsroad - will the preference spreadsheet be sent with the matches?
Keeping it at the top so everyone sees SS post ?
Did you fill out the forum on page 1?I’m in! I like VaPer and English BLENDS. Can’t wait to send someone some Xmas cheer!
Yes, he did, thanks Mike.Did you fill out the forum on page 1?
So last year I was at the library with my 4 year old son, and they had a special station set up where kids could write letters to Santa and the library would deliver them. So we sat down and he wrote a little note. He turned to me and asked me to do the same.I wrote a letter to Santa!
Riffing . . .View attachment 104932
…so are we going all business like and just hoping that the “normal” posts keep the SS at the top, so everyone sees it? Or can we still riff the humor back and forth??