The Turn Signal Lament

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Feb 21, 2013
In my area, maybe in yours too, there is a neurological disorder that incapacitates peoples' use of turn signals. This handicaps other drives as well, inasmuch as they have to guess if the driver in question is awake, alive, off the phone, out of a trance, aware that they are in a vehicle, in this time zone, aware they are in a human body, aware that other people exist and might also be driving, aware that they are not Napoleon nor the Buddha, and so on. There is no cure for this disorder, nor does it improve with time. There are some indications that the larger the size of the vehicle being driven on a regular basis the more severe the condition becomes. The National Institutes of Health is researching this and preliminary studies defining the disease should be published by 2035.



Jan 23, 2015
I have the same issue here in my neck of the woods?? Drives me absolutely friggin' crazy. One of my biggest driving pet peeves!! :evil:



Jan 14, 2012
Southwest Louisiana
A story about turn signals, went to Chalmette when Grandaughter was 3 to take her back for a couple weeks, both parents were working and to be out of town for their jobs. About halfway back home she was in back with Grandmaw she woke up and heard my turn signal when I changed lanes. When I stopped the turn signal she calls from the back, Where's the Tick,Tick. I"m dense so Grandmaw says it's the turn signal, granddaughter starts to cry because the Tick,Tick was off, I merged in the slow traffic lane, put the Tick,Tick on signaling a right hand turn, Granddaughter stopped crying and for about 60 miles I drove with the Tick,Tick on.



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
As observed, most drivers are not concerned with what is going on around them and, if they are, could not care less about it the impact of their actions on the others using the same roadway.
brad: did you really cater to your granddaughter by driving down the road with your "tick, tick" on? Must be pretty civil where you drive. In some parts of the country that could trigger a shooting case of road rage.



Jan 14, 2012
Southwest Louisiana
Warren I stayed in the right hand lane and thankfully it was mostly deserted.tried a couple times to turn it off but she would cry, so I said the he'll with it.



May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
Nicely put, mso! Bigger peeve of mine is drivers who don't put their headlights on when it's pouring. Especially on two lane roads, and grey cars on a grey day. If they are thinking at all, the thought must be: I can see all right.... Sheesh!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 2, 2016
I'm very fortunate on one hand that here in Germay, most people, like 98%, use turn signals and it is unusual for someone not to use them. On the other hand, my wife who learned to drive in Southern California never uses her turn signal which drives some Germans into a rage. She remains oblivious to their anger and I've learned not to comment on her driving.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 11, 2015
I especially like the folks who change lanes onto an off ramp without signaling, but then turn on their signal light well into the off ramp, like that helps. :crazy:



Nov 3, 2013
In the sticks in Mississippi
I use my turn signal all the time as needed. I too don't like guessing what someone is going to do when the just stop in the middle of the road with no signal.
I understand how in Germany and some other European countries people take driving more seriously than a lot of American drivers. Especially now, American drivers seem to have a lot more options on how to be distracted while driving than before. Technology is making many people lazy and stupid.
Now when we take out little dog with us in the car, he watches me and when my hand moves toward the turn signal he stares intently. When I turn it on he gets all excited because he's learned were going to go in a different direction. Lane changes confuse him somewhat though.



Jul 31, 2010
Bethlehem, Pa.
We've been in Florida for 3 months (snowbirds from Pa) and nobody here, except for me, uses turn signals. Drives me crazy but the locals tell us that's the way it is. Even the police don't signal turns. Crazy.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 23, 2015
I'm a signaler ... I almost always use my signals when appropriate. I also share your disgust that so few others seem to think this is a good idea.
Being in the auto repair business for a number of years, you would not believe how often I would tell a customer "I noticed your turn signal bulb was out so I went ahead and replaced it for you while the car was here", only to be met in return with "Oh I didn't notice, I never use them".
One time a woman became very angry that I there was a $3.99 charge on her bill for a new turn signal bulb. No labor charges as we didn't usually charge labor for bulbs, just $3.99 for the bulb. She refused to pay for it, exclaiming "I'm not paying $3.99 for something I don't use!!"
Couldn't make this stuff up if I wanted to...



Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 2, 2011
I've noticed the similar lack of turn signal usage, but for the most part I've moved past the peeved, and angry responses and I'm into the smile and shake my head stage. My wife says that they probably don't bother installing turn signals on diesel pickups anymore because they seem to be the biggest offenders.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 20, 2014
Perhaps this is the reason we're beginning to see self driving cars?
I'm in the signal camp. I'm disgusted on a daily basis by many people, whether it be vehicle related or otherwise. Humanity is doomed :)



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
It is so rare to see someone use a blinker down here in Alabama, that when I do see one, I have no idea what they are trying to say.

Other thing you need to know about driving in Alabama... Horns are rude, and there is absolutely no use for them at all. The far left lane is the over 80mph lane, the other lanes are also for over 80mph, but the far left is for the really, really over 80mph folks. If you actually drive the speed limit, the police will pull you over to see if you're drinking. There are only ever two State Troopers on call at any time, so the entire interstate is operated on the honor system. The best way to survive is to just randomly chose lanes that "feels" right, and you are supposed to just turn when the spirit moves you. We are much better drivers down here, with less accidents. We assume that all of the other drivers know what they are doing, so turn signals, horns, and such don't make any sense.
*We had a state legislator who recently proposed a law to enforce all of the other driving laws that everyone ignores. No kidding, they laughed him out of the state building.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 1, 2015
Chicago, Illinois
That's one of the most irritating things I see on every commute I make. It's just a simple flick of one's finger that makes a world of difference to everyone around them. And you're absolutely right about the bigger the car, the less likely we are to see a signal from them. I'm at the point where I'm convinced that Hummers don't come with turn signals.
However there are also those people who use their turn signal when changing lanes, but think that it exempts them from looking beforehand.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 31, 2014
I don't think things are as bad in the UK generally, but people not signaling when coming off a roundabout is my major source of rage on the road. When you're on the roundabout, signaling doesn't really affect how people treat you but letting the next lane know that you're exiting can make the difference between staying and moving. Sitting there waiting to enter a roundabout and missing chance after chance because people don't indicate is just fury inducing.



Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 17, 2014
This is one of those things that truly enrages me. Not only when driving but walking too. Especially on roundabouts and especially when I am standing in the rain for no reason because I am having to assume every car is going to exit the roundabout where I want to cross. In actual fact they are going 3rd exit right and should have indicate that to me. People just don't seem to realise that the signal is not only to let other motorists/road users your intentions but also to inform anyone else what they are. If you are coming off the roundabout tell me when and where so I can get on with my life you selfish git.
It seems that this kind of knobish behaviour is becoming more common here in the UK lately. Or maybe I am just becoming a grumpy old man. I am unsure which. Probably both.
If I catch you I will confront you.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
But my ex-wife, figuring that people stopped when the traffic light turned red, drove into an intersection in B'ham. And T-boned a car
Stop at the redlight, bah ha ha. See you silly people elsewhere and all of your expectations of other cars. If you always assume that someone with a blinker on is going to turn, or that they'll stop at red lights. Then no wonder you still have so many traffic accidents.

I have absolutely no expectations of the car in front of me. I assume that at any moment it could stop, slam into reverse, or just explode. So, I am ready. If I expected it to just do what it's blinkers or stop lights warn me of, I could end up in a terrible accident.

This is why we Southerners stay so relaxed and yet we have lightning like reflexes. We are such amazing drivers... unless it snows enough to cover the ground. Then we're screwed, ha ha.

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