The tobacco tax increase conspiracy

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Jul 26, 2011
oxford Florida
Ok I have sat by long enough on this issue.I am sure there are others on here that know this as well...

This whole taxing tobacco thing is obvious at this point...Ok let me break it down as i see it.

Smoking is bad,gotcha ok check...

So the government raises the tax on cigarettes.Ok fair enough...

heres where the obvious bs comes into play

Wake up people here in florida a pack of name brand smokes is in the 5 dollar range

whats your point joe?

Ummmm,hmmm lets see now,the tax increases being proposed for pipe tobacco will make buying an ounce of the stuff

around 35 dollars!!!Now wait a second here,did i just miss something,we are trying to discourage smoking right?

Ha ha wrong!What is painfully clear is that mainstream tobacco,aka big tobacco,marlboro,camel etc are going to

be the ones that are affordable :x.In other words conveniently putting money back into those makers pockets because

no one even daddy warbucks is gonna plop down 35 an ounce for tobacco....a quick google search will also tell

anyone that is wondering about the pact act,that was also an idea thought up by big tobacco!!!In other words

our lovely corporatized government is doing what they do best,protecting key corporations that apparently have

our in its pocket,seems our beloved leaders prefer us smoke carcinogen laced garbage to keep our livers busy detoxing radiation

and god knows what...thank the progressives for such great thinking...when can we be rid of the gangster wanksters running this sinking ship and swim to shore?Care about people my ass!



Might Stick Around
May 13, 2011
I don't think the politicians gives a hoot about you or your health. In this economy they are desperately mining for addition tax revenue.



Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 2, 2011
I find the whole increase issue somewhat amazing. I can understand the reason to raise taxes to feed their out of control spending. (I said understand not condone) But the amount they want to raise the taxes, will not achieve that. It will essentially kill the golden goose. Taxes from the tobbaco trade is an essential component of the economy for may reasons. But they are crazy enough to try it. I have no doubt such an increase will create an underground market. I guess between now and October I need to severely ramp up my hoarding. (My wife will really love seeing more packages coming from my preferred weed suppliers.) Worst case scenario, they pass the bill and at least I will have tobacco for several years. Best case scenario, the bill doesn't pass and I have lots of cellared and aged tobacco for years to come.
Next I suppose they will try and make it illegal and I'll be a felon. All this while groups move to legalize marijuanna, touting its good. Last time I heard, each "joint" had more carcinogens that an entire pack of cigarettes.



Jun 16, 2011
Greeting Joeyfats, and Baldy! While I agree with what you say about the tax issue, I might suggest that you'd find more posts and responses if you discussed this in the Tobacco Legislation sub-forum category.



Jul 26, 2011
oxford Florida
Thanks for the responses,is there a way I can move this to that forum?And gecko the whole issue of raising taxes on the tobacco to help the economy is nonsense indeed,I'm no expert on matters of economy but good's obvious if they do this the industry is screwed.Well all but the mainstream brands...hmmmm funny how the mainstream brands contain large amounts of carcinogens,versus say the peter stokybye turkish and danish blends i enjoy,which have only nicotine in them,believe me I looked into this!And they want us to pay more for the stuff thats safer...Asshats!Can I say that?Anyways maybe thats what is meant to happen,the destruction of large amounts of industry in this country leaving only the government approved(mainstream cigarettes left behind)tobacco for us to consume.Thing is if it was about discouraging smoking then why isnt there a proposal for say 40 dollars a pack on regular cigarettes?One pack is about an that equals out to about the cost they are proposing on the ryo and pipe tobaccos... :crazy:.Thing is there is no logic to this.I smell a rat in my pudding!Looks like im going to be stocking up...



Jun 16, 2011
As far as I know only a moderator can move the thread. I'm sure one will catch it and move it soon. Just look at the forum sub-categories for the most appropriate place to start a new thread... Enjoy your time here!



Apr 17, 2011
I think if the RYO nazis wouldnt of been so pushy In making RYO all of a sudden "pipe tobacco" i really don't think this topic would be brought up about raising real pipe tobacco. I have called, wrote and emailed my politicians over 150 times in the past 2 months regarding this bill. RYO can burn a slow death in my eyes



Might Stick Around
Jul 25, 2011
Hey joeyfats...I'll go one further with you, since cigars and pipes are not inhaled(for the most part) they are less physically addictive...I wonder if the plan is to push as many toward cigs as possible because there's a need for the addiction?!? Just a thought...
Also, there are HUGE parts of state pensions that are invested in tobacco. The increases here don't surprise me at all really...

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