I am smoking Aromatics this Winter, because I smoke inside. I have 1 Meer that I smoke all my Sutliff's in. I have been told that these GOOPY Aromatics will be, well goopy. The wonders of 1 Meershaum being thrown every flavor, it is still dry after each smoke. I have no film from the flavor casings. I hear so many people say, dry your tobacco! I never do. Smokes fine for me all the way down. I usually have to relight dryer tobaccos since they seem to go out quicker for me. Have you ever put a little water on a fire? what happens? I started with Aromatics, I smoke every other type of blend and I can still go to the Goopy Aromatics and be satisfied and not have a bad smoking experience. Just one of the reasons why I am getting rid of some of my briar pipes, to establish more Meerschaum pipes. I have about 15 Briars to get rid of and I already have about 15 Meer's. I can not say enough about trying a Meer, if you do not have any in your rotation. Love them for any type of bsccy! ::