So this happened to me on my 2nd smoke but ive been holding back from talking about it cause its kinda dumb. There I was driving into work smoking my pipe (country gent) for the second time. As im smoking I have my hand on thw bowl and it turns! Me being a begginer I am thinkibg "oh cool.... it moves!" So there I am just cranking away on my brand new (now hot) cob while puffing away like a steam engine (burning the crap outa my tongue). Almost down to the bottom it goes out and when I let go of the bowl to reach for my tamper the bowl completely drops of the stem! Hot ask all over my lap and burns my jeans! Ok so funny stuff aside, I can't keep the stem in anymore. Is there a way to fix it or is it junk?
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Please see rule 9 here along with the rest of the forum rules
- Kevin
Thread title fixed.
Please see rule 9 here along with the rest of the forum rules
- Kevin