I've always subscribed to the theory that there really is a right way and a wrong way to do just about everything. However, I think the "right way" is a really large grey area: the right way is the way that works, achieves your goal, get's you where you're going, however you want to word it. The wrong way is the way that doesn't work and generally makes your experience with the task at hand one big suck-fest.
In pipe smoking, I've found myself in my early days doing things that fit the second category: tamping a pipe so damned tight that it takes a freakin' Shop Vac to draw on it, hyper-puffing on it for fear of it going out,and I'm sure other things my subconcious has hidden away from me to protect my self-esteem. Anyway, I've learned the "right" way to smoke a pipe, now: Don't do anything dangerous or stupid with your pipe, etc. and enjoy yourself. Everything else probably orbits around these two rules. Not that I'm some sort of Shaolin master of pipesmoking, but I think it's very basic stuff. Once you're beyond the stupid and dangerous, it's whatever makes you happy.