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Feb 2, 2019
Basel, Switzerland
"There are other blends which I liked, but there are others like them I know I'd always prefer, case in point is HH Old Dark Fired (made the cut) vs HH Bold Kentucky and Lakeland Dark (both failed)."

I think this is rather brilliant. You are forgoing evaluating each blend on its own merits, which is the usual approach and which of necessity demands a rating scale, which is a PIA (pain in the ass) and then demands a massive contrast and compare.

No, you just group similar tobaccos and ask the question which would you smoke first. A simple, expedient that gets you to the answer with much less work and thus more quickly.
Not sure it's any less tedious, maybe the DFKs are a tough matchup because ODF is in my top 5, I can't fault this tobacco in any way (for my taste).
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Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
It's interesting how the term "cellar" has changed. When I picked up my pipe again, 20 years ago, after 10 years or so of mostly smoking cigars, I found and joined the old Yahoo Pipesmokers2 group. When we spoke about a "cellar", we meant tobaccos that we were deliberately keeping for the long haul, for aging. We didn't really have a term for tobaccos that we had on hand but hadn't gotten into rotation, yet.
I still think of my "cellar" as long term storage. puffy
I just use it as you would a root cellar. Put up for future use be it in the next thirty minutes or the next thirty years.


Sep 14, 2011
Since the term cellar was coined, some western governments have quadrupled the price of tobacco with taxes and others have banned almost all importation, and the trend of regulation is tighter rather than looser.

I created a cellar to be able to have anything in ten years, not to age. I suppose there could be another word, maybe “prep”?
I think of the stuff I am not aging, but just have not gotten around to smoking yet, as in the "pantry".


Part of the Furniture Now
May 9, 2021
Thats a lovely example. They used to grow in woods near my Mothers house by the truck load.
Thanks. I enjoy hunting mushrooms because it represents a new season to be outdoors. I’m out year round, and living where there is four seasons it’s a joy to be out in them all! I don’t eat the ones I find, but do share them with people who enjoy the taste.
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