The Psychology Behind PAD and TAD?

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Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
Over years of collecting, I have found that around 5 or 6 years my tastes change, driving me to purchase pipes and tobacco based on theses changes. But pulling those boxes out of the mailbox is much like finding gifts under the Christmas tree! :mrgreen:

Jan 4, 2015
We pipe smokers search for perfection. The excitement of the next purchase offers the realization of that pursuit. I may never find it but the search is fun and in life there should be some reward for honest effort. If there is any consolation, there are far worse pursuits we could engage in. Boroak I think you're right we do reinforce each other but that's not such a bad thing. Being that " kid on Christmas morning" gives us all a little joy and sometimes reality benefits from a little joy!!!



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 21, 2014
...Social interactions, or quiet introverted solitude. Taste, touch, scent (the strongest trigger of memory), visual aesthetics. The stories of the people that make pipes and tobaccos....

You can smoke stuff that will make ladies recall their grandfather....It connects a lot of the facets of what makes a human being a human being...

Nicely put Ravenwolf.



Jun 4, 2014
United States
I think Buroak pounded the right nail. I never had PAD or Tad before joining the PM forums. Sure I had a collection of pipes but I had acquired those at a rate of one or two a year - and many years not even one. I never had on hand more than two blends - one would be my current regular and perhaps one other for variety or for experimentation.
Since joining the forums, I can't count the number of times someone here praised a blend which triggered a TAD order of $50 or more. Same with pipes.
I've purchased a half dozen Savinelli's in the last year, and purchased three pipes on impulse just in the last month that were praised on this site. Not to mention 5 others that I purchased from either members or forum recommend estate dealers over the last few months. Or the two dozen cobs, including custom cobs, that I purchased after seeing them lauded by various respected members.
I've joked about threads costing me $70 or or several hundred dollars but the PAD/TAD trigger was real.
However, I can't blame my impulse spending, OCD traits on the members here. Yes, I do think we encourage each other in our consumerist acquisition frenzies. But I did the the same thing in other hobbies: fly fishing (I don't know how many rods I own); fly tying (Don't believe for a second that tying flies will save you money); bass fishing; cat fishing; fishing kayaks; music (2 Selmer Saxs, a Yamaha Soprano, Synthesizer; studio mixing equipment); magic (countless tricks that I used at kids' birthday parties); guns - you get the picture.
There will likely come a point where I'm satiated with pipes and tobacco. But what makes pipe smoking different from all others is that this hobby is compatible with other things. I can smoke while fly fishing, kayaking, while playing keyboard, gardening, shooting, etc.
So, hopefully, when the acquisition ODC cools down, I'll still make use of my pipes and tobaccos. Not saying that it is getting out of hand, but I'm setting up a second bank account, in which I'll direct deposit my personal allowance. This is to ensure I don't dip into the household budget again to pay for PAD and TAD attacks.
Did I mention that I'm looking into commissioning a briar poker?

May 31, 2012
The small book Toward a Theology of Pipesmoking by Arthur D. Yunker also offers a great perspective on things...



Aug 20, 2013
Starting up again with 25 years of tobacco cellared and 30 quality artisan pipes are you? Yes, you are badly afflicted, but so am I and many others on the forums. We can be humming along in our niche quite happily did we not know about some new blend; but hark! it beckons as easily as the Chenet's Cake Bulk Buy or the 30% perique blend by that Nat Sherman blender on the home page. If it sounds good I gotta have it! And then there's the write-up about Chicago. Anyone who already has plenty of pipes should definitely attend. Similarly, you have plenty of pipes and plenty of tobacco, but should you not also attend? If I could afford it I'd be there, as I really don't have plenty of pipes, only 25, half of which are cobs. This is of course all tongue-in-cheek. I went down with cigars, and coming back to pipes I swore I wouldn't overspend in the same manner, and although more consistently restrained, I've still managed to spend $5000? (who's counting?) in 2.5 years, and on any given day I could spend another $10-$20K. Give me a week and I could spend $50K. My problem is I love all of it, cigars and humidors, artisan pipes and the infinity of pipe tobaccos; and if I love the tobacco, only 5 pounds cellared satisfies, and if I seriously love it, 20 (1792) or 40 lbs (Dark Flake).
I think the love of tobacco is generated and sustained by many things. The taste is intoxicating and very enjoyable given the many ways tobacco is manipulated by plant variety, curing, blending and aging. Smoke is the best conductor of flavor, and is it not engaging to pull it through a pipe by artful regulation, and then into the mouth there to be held, tasted, chewed and blissfully expelled? No doubt the many hallowed pipe smokers that have come before us, whose poise and brilliance bespeak the accomplished gentleman, attract those smokers with similar characteristics to the pipe. Yes, we are (well, maybe) all of that!
But other than the delights of smoking per se, the out-of-control acquisitivity that some smokers come to have has more to do with the age-old problem of desire than anything else. Yes, certainly, the infinite joys of pipe culture, the study of design and form with the same emphasis on functionality, offer very seductive reasons to lay one's money down. But in the end, for the wallet-afflicted, pipe culture must be managed rather than allowed to fan the endless flame. In the pipe world pipes are the enemy.
Can you afford what you want to put down on the vendor's table? Right now I want 10 Missouri Meerschaum Mark Twain pipes, a generous group 4-sized Dublin under 50 grams and a couple pounds of the bulk Chenet's Cake. That seems reasonable at a total of $200. But adoring all things tobacco, once I get these items I should stop. I really should.
If serious about restraint, the pipe addiction must be managed every day; it is enough to get through the day.
Thus, I draw my line in the sand.



Feb 21, 2013
I don't place a lot of store stating a case in the negative, but a certain amount of indulgence in pipes does fit better with the rest of life's responsibilities than drinking too much alcohol, having a porn habit, having a chronic gambling habit, nearly all (other?) drug habits, and a number of other compulsions and bad habits to which a guy can fall prey. And the expenditure of energy to restrain our pipe indulgences may distract us from wandering into other bad habits. I make it sound almost sanctimonious!



Can't Leave
Apr 29, 2015
Finally a thread I'm somewhat qualified to comment on. I've semi-retired to teach, but I specialized compulsive behaviors for years. Believe me, we only THINK we're compulsive!
A phrase a lot of psychologists are using these days is "cognitive activation," which means the need to obsess over something. Baseball, wine, scotch, remote-controlled model airplanes, whatever. Some people have a lot of it!
Some people don't have much cognitive activation need. They experiment enough to find out what works for them, then tend to stick to it. I imagine there's a lot of pipe smokers with two or three pipes, only smoking Carter Hall, and perfectly happy. That won't work for me. Like the old quote says, "Anything worth doing is worth doing to excess!"
My other obsession is motorcycles. I own a Harley and an Indian, and I'm wanting a Triumph. I spend an inordinate amount of time thinking about motorcycles, but one can't run out and buy a new classic bike every week!
That's the other thing that (I think) gets us. Our obsession is relatively affordable. I don't need to be rich to try a new tobacco every week. Even expensive pipes are in the hundreds, instead of thousands, of dollars, so they can be saved up for.
A man who loves baseball probably will never own a baseball team. Jay Leno might have representatives of every cool bike ever, but I never will. That perfect estate Calabash (or whatever) is juuuuuust within my reach...
So, even before I buy, I imagine what it will smoke like. I talk to others, I comparison shop, I wait, I anticipate, I obsess and I enjoy.
It is kind of a sickness, though. I'm a newbie. I can barely keep a pipe lit, and only occasionally smoke without tongue-bite, but I already own six pipes, with three on the way and have about 12 different tobaccos I'm trying to learn to smoke.
I might be better off learning to smoke what I already have, instead of buying "just one more..."



Jan 27, 2013
I liken it to how I used to collect records, the vinyl black wax is just a physical object, but what lays in those grooves is pure transcendental magic...
Not doing to bad yourself, mrlowercase. :D



May 30, 2012
And, for me it doesn't help to have a pipe shop owner who calls me to ask me if I want this or that, that he sees while in Chicago, and then calls me to tell me that he has a whole box of stuff that he wants me to come look through on Monday. :::sigh::: damn his good soul. Ha ha!!
And I'd be in the same boat with you if I live closer.



Oct 15, 2013
I don't suffer from TAD so much for some reason. I actually have to force myself to order tobacco sometimes and don't go through it very quickly.
Pipes are a different story. When I see one I want, either at an antique store, online retailer or ebay, somehow the 200+ pipes I already have evaporate in my mind. I have to have that one pipe! So there is some obsessive/hording behavior going on. However, they are being used and admired from time to time. It's not like I have a foot of pipes piled up on the cat feces covered floors of my house. Not yet at least....
Someone posted this a year or so ago. I was amused and saved it. That is me in the last frame.



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
robwoodall, excellent post, I like the way you described the psychology behind it.
mso, you are so right, I could have addictions that are far worse than PAD and TAD, so I guess I can justify my behavior.

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