I came across an ancient-looking pint Bell jar (heavily rusted lid, heavy-sticky dust coated glass) of pipe tobacco in a box of old jars in my basement that I thought contained only EMPTY jars (I always intend to re-use 'em, but for some reason just get a new batch when the time comes).
100% sure it's at least 20 years old because that's when I stopped using the small mouth style. But it could be up to 30 years old, which is when I started using jars.
Anyway, getting the lid off required tools, it was so ancient-y and neglected.
It made a broken-seal wooosh, and smelled amazing.
Figured no guts no glory, so filled a bowl and fed it fire.
Oh, yeah...

Everything was spot on in terms of tasting good---really good---burned well, etc.
Enough that I'd buy some more in a heartbeat even though I don't need tobacco in the "already have enough to last me" sense.
Except I haven't the slightest effing idea what it is because the label fell off the jar long ago. Wasn't lying in the bottom of the box like a dead bug, either. Hell, I might not have even labelled it because it was an offloaded tin I expected to finish straight away, then packed it when moving to a different state or something.
No way to know.
No possible way to track it down.
The distant laugh you're hearing as you read this---listen carefully, there's an evil, maniacal tinge to it---are the PipeGods. It appears I did something recently to displease them.
You have been warned. This is how they do business.
100% sure it's at least 20 years old because that's when I stopped using the small mouth style. But it could be up to 30 years old, which is when I started using jars.
Anyway, getting the lid off required tools, it was so ancient-y and neglected.
It made a broken-seal wooosh, and smelled amazing.
Figured no guts no glory, so filled a bowl and fed it fire.
Oh, yeah...
Everything was spot on in terms of tasting good---really good---burned well, etc.
Enough that I'd buy some more in a heartbeat even though I don't need tobacco in the "already have enough to last me" sense.
Except I haven't the slightest effing idea what it is because the label fell off the jar long ago. Wasn't lying in the bottom of the box like a dead bug, either. Hell, I might not have even labelled it because it was an offloaded tin I expected to finish straight away, then packed it when moving to a different state or something.
No way to know.
No possible way to track it down.
The distant laugh you're hearing as you read this---listen carefully, there's an evil, maniacal tinge to it---are the PipeGods. It appears I did something recently to displease them.
You have been warned. This is how they do business.