I am looking for information about a pipe made by VENTURI called "The Pipe". They were made during the late 60"s and early 70"s from a graphite material used in the nose-cones of missiles. "The Pipe" came in the standard shapes of billiard, pot, bulldog, and half-bent and colors of black, white, yellow, gree, blue, brown, and orange. I owened several back then-a black billiard, a yellow bulldog, a brown bent, and white pot with red and blue racing stripes around the top of the bowl. These pipes smoked cool and dry and had a great draw. They were a little heavier than a briar of the same shape and size, but not much. I found an article in an old issue of "PIPES AND TOBACCO" by looking through their index, but can't seem to find the issue (Vol6,#2,pg6) or access to an archive. VENTURI also made a pipe called "The Smoke" during the same period using the same materials and colors, but adopting the Scandanavian free-stye shapes. I was not aware of "The Smoke" back then. No pipe dealers selling "estate" pipes seem to have either pipe. They either can't find them or they are not interested when they do. Anybody have one or ever smoked one?