Hooray for Stony Stratford! :clap:
If anti-smoking laws in the U.S. were enacted by direct referenda rather than by politicians who interpret
opinion polls, there would be far fewer restrictions on smoking.
Polls are not only untrustworthy because of questionable sampling and statistical methods, but also
because pollsters may not be impartial and unbiased, i.e. hired by a special interest group to propagate
a convenient lie.
You don't think a pollster (or anybody else) would jeopardize a reputation to protect his revenue source?
C'mon, I wanna sell you some stock in Enron and Arthur Anderson, and introduce you to NASDAQ chairman,
Bernie Madoff.
As for placing trust in scientific methods, well, where's Al Gore been since his fudged global warming data led
to an international science scandal? I'll bet he's at home calculating the revenues from his book/film called
"An Inconvenient Truth".
The people of Stony Stratford demonstrated that for the anti-smoking nazis, the only inconvenient thing is the truth.