Today when digital access is discussed, people usually rattle off the tablet, the phone, the TV as potential devices. They might mention the desk top, but they don't. Being a desk top devotee (and I will admit, a hopeless digital Typhoid Mary and master of ineptitude) I assert that having the digital world parked in one place, accessible but not omnipresent, shunning all of the possible apps -- Facebook, Instagram, Texting, Twitter, ad infinitum -- is a way to keep the corrupting addictive malevolence at arms length. It's likely I will cave, as necessity demands, as I did recently with my wife's smart phone, waiting for a call to pick her up after a medical appointment. I also had my geezer flip phone, but never mind. The antiquarian desk top has its advantages. I don't sit in public staring at my lit phone with my mouth open, for example, and that's a good thing. My phone does not play the theme from "The Godfather" in church.