The Nicotine Experience?

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Feb 1, 2014
Augusta, Ga
I have a question... Do different tobaccos deliver a different type of nicotine feeling for you?
Maybe its the strength but it seems I have a different feeling in the head buzz department with different strains of tobacco.



Apr 5, 2014
I have a question... Do different tobaccos deliver a different type of nicotine feeling for you?
Yes but the cut can deliver the nic hit faster also if you smoke some of the GH fine shag cut blends. Hawke I emailed you.



Jul 21, 2015
Do different tobaccos deliver a different type of nicotine feeling for you?
Yes. Cut and ingredients matter. Some achieve an absolutely sublime hit while others are more jarring. There's also some kind of additional effect with Burley and Perique, although it's different for each.



Might Stick Around
Mar 23, 2013
I've experienced that as well, though it's been hard to pin down. It's so difficult to create "controlled" personal conditions. How much sleep I got, when I last ate, what kind of mood I'm in, what I'm drinking all greatly change the way I experience nicotine, to say nothing of how recently I smoked and how much is already in my system. It's certainly an interesting topic to explore, though I think I'm too caught up in tastes and aromas to remember to focus on the nicotine.



Jul 21, 2015
It's so difficult to create "controlled" personal conditions. How much sleep I got, when I last ate, what kind of mood I'm in, what I'm drinking all greatly change the way I experience nicotine, to say nothing of how recently I smoked and how much is already in my system.
That's a really good point (and hilarious username). We need one of those NASA studies where they seal people in a dome in the middle of the desert to remove outside influences and isolate effects. Every day, same time and same pipe, after extremely similar food/water/sleep conditions.
And then some sadist comes in and switches out all the tobacco with Mixture 79...



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 17, 2015
Woowee yes. Some are no-no's for driving and at work, and require an immediate bed flop. I find non-aros the heaviest. About all I smoke @ work is PA or CH, mainly cause I might have to leave half a bowl in the dust behind an ambulance. It just depends. I do think it's funny that I can suck down a whole cigar and not get a hit and then smoke a cigarette and feel like I'm gonna die.



Feb 21, 2013
Nicotine does different things -- from being a sedative inducing sleep, to being an upper with the morning coffee, stimulating conversation and sensory activity. People are extremely individual in reacting. Some people only get the sedative, others only the stimulant, and most get some of each depending on conditions, and people vary widely in their degree of response. Some get sick with just a little, and others seem little affected one way or another, or only slightly. It would make a poor pharmaceutical since its effects are so variable, it seems to me. Likewise with addiction to nicotine, some people are hooked on the first exposure, and other people let every tobacco product they buy go stale, even if they enjoy the taste.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 13, 2014
Michigan, USA
Yes purely based on strength. But that's all. The difference between chewing tobacco and smoking a pipe is extremely different for me.

When I was at the perique factory, I asked about whether the fermentation process raised nicotine levels of the tobacco, and the response was that the burley used isn't necessarily extreme but the process LOWERS the nicotine level. But, the acidity and new chemicals formed increases the amount of nicotine that gets absorbed. Virginias, known for being low nic, actually has enough to kill us, but the acidity prevents us from fully absorbing it. Thus, YES, the type of leaf affects how we take in the nicotine. However, I would propose that how the nicotine affects us is the same, given that it is a high dose over a period of time (more than the quick moderate amount that cigarettes directly inject into the blood via the lungs), but how much we can absorb is affected by other factors given the leaf's characteristics, such as acidity, etc.



Jul 21, 2015
I asked about whether the fermentation process raised nicotine levels of the tobacco, and the response was that the burley used isn't necessarily extreme but the process LOWERS the nicotine level. But, the acidity and new chemicals formed increases the amount of nicotine that gets absorbed.
Fits with what I have seen. It's a different high, not necessarily a super-potent one like the hard hitter tobaccos from GH deliver.
Virginias, known for being low nic, actually has enough to kill us, but the acidity prevents us from fully absorbing it.
Be right back, adding Maalox to my Virginias.



Jan 27, 2013
An empty stomach has always been a killer for me with alcohol or nicotine. But I liked the alcohol that way, high nicotine not so much.



Jul 2, 2010
I'm a nic wuss. Never smoked cigarettes, so I had no professional training when I began smoking a pipe, nearly 50 years ago. (Not continuously. I stopped for 20 years in there).
I smoked 1792 once, and only once, and thought I was taking flight. Sick, I wished to die.
Another time, I smoked a Solani Virginia. Passed out on bathroom floor while hugging commode. Wife figured it was good enough for me if I was, as she said, dumb enough to smoke. She left me on the floor.
Other tobaccos have also done the nic trick on me. So, I have learned over the years to go sloooowwww! I am not a puffer. If the pipe goes out, I'll put it down and do something else for a time. Then relight.
All in all, I have found that some tobaccos are just too much for me to handle and I stay away. If I want to enjoy a stronger smoke, I sip, put the pipe down, and wait a bit before taking another sip.
That way, I don't fall over on my nose.



Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 6, 2012
I've joined in on many a "nicotine" discussion and find it funny how different everyone's tolerance of nicotine is. The only time I've ever gotten a good buzz was the first time I ever dipped snuff. I really liked that. I was 14 and have had a love affair with tobacco ever since. I know whatever I am smoking is contributing to my relaxation but I don't get buzzed like I did with that first dip of Copenhagen years ago. I have gotten a little nauseous a couple of times while smoking too many bowls in a row and puffing like a locomotive. But as a rule I can handle a lot of nicotine without the adverse affects some of you fellas experience.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 3, 2015
i get really unhappy when I light a pipe and having smoked a pack of cigarettes that day, feeling nothing, and all you guys talking about strength and relaxation, I get envious...
though I get a huge kick if I don't smoke for about 12 hours, a pure feeling of euphoria and relaxation, and an increased love for tobacco :lol:



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 17, 2015
It would be interesting to be able to put a number to the Nic content of various strains of leaf or even blends. Obviously there are tons of factors to consider; dust settling in the bottom of a tin would make a sample different than a pinch taken from the top.

It would make reviews more helpful to those that are on the sensitive side.



Jun 3, 2015
Not really, unless I eat it. Then I get more of a body buzz. Oops! Sorry that was the wrong weed.

It would be interesting to be able to put a number to the Nic content of various strains of leaf or even blends.

The problem is that even if we knew for sure that there was X% nicotine in brand Y, that doesn't mean anything. We absorb much less nicotine via pipes that exist in the tobacco, and how much depends on acidity and various other factors. This is why we rely mostly on reports of how a blend affects us, and a working knowledge of how various blends affect us. Just putting a number on the tin wouldn't mean anything.
Oh, and cigarette users. Cigs puts the nicotine directly into your blood stream and you will have a different relationship with pipe tobacco than your engineered cigarette tobaccos. If you are still smoking your cigarettes, you won;t have the same relationship a pipe or cigar guy will have. It took me about 6 months after quitting cigarettes altogether before I started getting even close to fully enjoying my pipes. You are missing out on flavor and affects of tobacco. And no, pipes don't tend to give people that "rush" that a cigarette will give someone who has not had one on a few hours. The tobacco enters the body and affects us in a totally different way.

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