This is just smart. Asking the customer what they want... and then giving it to them.
I would be afraid to make a suggestion because I'm still very green in this world of tobacco...but here it goes.
Upon reading the comments and suggestions made, someone devised a blend and then threw the word "Cavendish" in.
Russ then asked what kind of cavendish are we talking about here? It's a process not a leaf type
To which I thought.... hmmmm Now That I think about it I really don't know WHAT cavendish tastes like. Was it burley? Virginia? Is there even such a thing as Latakia cavendish? Turkish cavendish? Oriental cavendish... etc.
Then why not play around with making every leaf you can get your hands on into a very strange cavendish monster, and see what you get.
Call it, All Cavendish All The Time. ACATT for short. lol.
I think it would be very interesting to see all the different leafs we have available in an extremely toasted form. And see what we get.
That's about as far as my curiosity goes. There's too much leaf out there. For all I know this has allready been done, and been done very well. And very...not so well. :|