I agree. The tin art is a bit much. Seems to be the direction they’re going with it though. Phantom Privateer’s tin was interesting as well.Personally turned off by the tin art -- one of the classic Victorian depictions of Krampus would have suited me better -- but if this is similar to the leaf used in Cringle Flake then it may be some of the better Red available today.
I just saw it on Facebook and thought I’d share.I can't find a web page for this. Will it not even have a page before 4:00 on Tuesday?
Yeah I was bummed out by the direction of tin art happening after the Crumble Cake series with that simple classy red black and gold, all that pipe force stuff, ugh. Seems they are going for some kind of like "new hip" thing and missing the mark by a mile. Feel like this kind of art works for C&D/McClelland type tins but it looks weird on a puck type tin, aesthetics matter. I guess they say never judge a book by it's cover but that's what removable dust jackets are for, couldn't see myself buying this stuff , my loss if it's good, we all have our standards.Personally turned off by the tin art -- one of the classic Victorian depictions of Krampus would have suited me better -- but if this is similar to the leaf used in Cringle Flake then it may be some of the better Red available today.