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Jan 1, 2011
The Interwebs
Just returned from the NYPC's annual picnic, which was held at a New Jersey residence in protest of NYC's draconian laws (and the owner, a member of course, is the only guy who would let us destroy his back yard and empty his fridge). The weather needed a day of rest following last night's microburst, and decided that it would hover around perfect pipe-smoking temperature and humidity for the entire afternoon. Distinguished Gentleman and Spillman Mixture were our celebrity guests; unfortunately the stripper entertainment I'd contracted for that afternoon got lost in one of Jersey's jughandle turns, never to arrive. Dozens of tins of tobacco and stories were traded back and forth, a plethora of micro-brews were sampled, and many, many pounds of meat were consumed. In fact a wild rabbit will never know how close he came to meeting the inside of the grill; fortunately for him, we pipe-smoking types were far too feeble to actually capture him...or do much more than snap a few photos and stand idly contemplating our place in the universe and how much better we have it than the average rabbit. All in all, a good day.

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