El Niño doesn’t get much love, but’s a favorite of mine also. Smooth and strong. It mentions Latakia, but I don’t taste it. It just has a smooth smokey flavor, more like what I expect from a VaPer with dark fired. I love it!
When I first bought McClelland 5100, from the bulk bag at the tobacconist, I got home and loaded a pipe, and I could have sworn they sold me the wrong stuff, because I got a very strong scent and flavour of vanilla. I came to realize this is just a sweet tobacco, and the flavour I sensed was just the natural flavour. Delicious!
Just opened a 6yr. old jar of PS/LBF and the unmistakable aroma of apricots filled the air. This isn't an unusual tobacco tin note; but in my experience, a first for apricot in LBF -- and particularly strong at that.
BTW, the lid exploded off the jar once the ring was loosened, and with a force that could have caused injury if the ring threads hadn't still been engaged.