metal: My most serious shortcoming, as I see it, is poor or lazy behavior bothers me. I have low expectations of people in general but, endeavor to treat all I meet civilly and with unearned respect. Now, whether they can keep that respect is entirely up to them.
US Government: There was democracy for certain residents in Rome, for the ruling class most especially. Rome also had avenues through which people could gain full citizenship and therefore a voice in governing. So, not a democracy but a Republican Democracy. Only certain people could participate in governing, not everyone.
Jefferson saw the US as a republic in the sense that land ownership would be the defining element for who was to be in the ruling class as we did not have "hereditary titles" or peers. The Senate was to be our "House or Lords" while the Representatives were to come from the lower classes, the "hoi polloi." One of the reasons many Senators seem to hold themselves as special, even today.
The President was to be elected by the electors (read: political machines) with little or no input from the masses as they had nothing at risk (no land) and therefore should have little to say with respect to the serious questions arising in government. Jefferson and the other "Fathers" simply adopted, almost in total, the English mode of government without the monarch. Without a jog to the memory I believe Senators were to be elected by state legislators or some such.
The morphing of Republic into "Democratic-Republic" began immediately after ratification of the Constitution and is now morphed into majority rules with the Senate only a bit more powerful than the House. The House can now "shut down" government should it desire. The President is, in fact, still elected by "electors." The electors are under no obligation to follow the popular vote. This makes us now a "Representative Democracy." When, not if, the College is done away with and the President is elected by a popular vote the country will then, in fact, become a simple democracy.
I really wish this was still taught in the 6th or 7th grade. Everyone should understand at a young age that the US is not a true democracy at this stage in its short life. Neither is it the democratic-republic the "Founding Fathers" designed and intended. It has morphed into a "Representative Democracy." The Congress is popularly elected, the President is not and never has been. States with large populations wield the power, not the individual voter. Alaska has three members of the Congress. That equals three members chosen to the College.
I apologize for the length of the class. So, no homework assignment. Class dismissed!