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Mar 7, 2013
When protesting something by novel means it pays to understand the tools you employ.

Carrying signs, shouting, blocking roads, gathering outside buildings, and so forth goes back centuries. Other than getting clocked by a cop or errant bottle, the physical risk isn't particularly high (in most Western countries, anyway).

Lately, glueing the palm of one's hand to something immobile with so-called "superglue" has become fashionable among protesters. I suppose it's intended to prolong the protest enough for news reporters to arrive, as opposed to being whisked away by the police after only a few minutes. (Which would make spending a night in jail not particularly worth it.)

In any event, not happy with even that, some guy in Germany thought he'd show everyone how it was TRULY done.

He found a small chuckhole in the road, filled it with sand, poured in a pint or so of superglue, gave it a stir, and stuck his hand into the "cake batter" that resulted.


So-called "superglue" is pure acrylic plastic. You can make materials like wood into gleaming blocks and slabs of rock-hard stuff suitable for kitchen counter tops by submerging them in it. A process called "stabilization".

And sand exists because it's the leavings of eons of environmental erosion. i.e. the stuff that COULDN'T be dissolved or otherwise broken down. And why is that? Because it's really, really hard. Mostly quartz. Harder than any cutting tools except tungsten carbide ones, in fact.

You can see where this is heading, I'm sure.

The road had to be cut with an angle grinder and assorted power tools to simply get the Quartz Block With a Hand In It + Attached Protester free, and the liklihood that his hand will live long enough (contact hypothermia, prolonged compression, etc. all FUBAR blood supply) to somehow be removed from the block itself is low.

Moral of the story: Darwin never sleeps, no matter how in the right you think you are.

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Can't Leave
Nov 23, 2021
The Prairie
His parents must be so proud.... Poor dumb bastard. Reminds me of my visit to the "Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone" a couple of years ago. While I wasn't entirely out of contempt by the time I left, I realized only a handful of the folks there really deserved it. The rest of the useful idiots were at least forthright in what they believed, the problem is that their naive understanding and intentions had been thougoughly hijacked in service to the very same people they should be hating. Of course it will all be too late by the time they figure it out. Nothing new under the sun I guess.

Briar Lee

Sep 4, 2021
Humansville Missouri
Almost fifty years ago, during the Nixon administration, was the first time I saw a mob of angry protestors, on the square in Bolivar Missouri.

The federal government had sent a spokesman to Bolivar to explain the concept of economic development zones called Regional Planning.

I’d heard of it in school, and my mother had a neighbor named Russell Madison go with us, fearing local right wingers might become violent, and she was right.

The government man addressed a crowd of hundreds from the courthouse, explaining the tax credits and benefits an economic zone would bring.

Then a local holy roller evangelical preacher named Tom “Bolivar” Brown, who’d started his own Assembly of God church in Humansville, whipped the peaceful crowd into a frenzied mob, babbling about how the government was under Zionist control and had plans to enslave us and have us all work in factories. Somebody yelled, get a rope, and about then the sheriff went up to Tom Brown and said he’d shoot the first man who moved toward the speaker.

And if Tom Brown didn’t go home he’d lock him up, and everyone else who thought they wanted to hang a man from the government.

I was about 14, and it scared me enough we didn’t wait to see how it ended.

But the sheriff won, and the government man safely left town.

They have regional planning today, and it’s sort of a welfare program for manufacturers to get tax dollars.

But there’s a certain measure of people, that will get violent in any crowd.

That never changes.

Briar Lee

Sep 4, 2021
Humansville Missouri
As I get older, the more thankful I am for my teachers at Humansville.

I can’t imagine anyone who was required to read “The True Believer” in the seventh or eighth grade would ever stick their hand in super glue for some fanatical belief in a radical or reactionary “cause”.

The last group of true believers I saw was about a year ago at the Missouri State Capitol who would rather risk death from Covid 19 than get their shots.

Growing up, if any of us didn’t want our shots, Coach Breshears would have beat our ass until we’d gladly have taken our shots.:)

As it was, we all wanted to be responsible citizens.