I am not saying it is superior to glass. I believe it will prove to be just as good over time or at least so close as to make no appreciable difference.
My Logic is that I have converted about 60 pounds now from commercial bulk to mylar. I originally had about 20 plus pounds of tobacco in pounds and pounds of glass. Because of my age and the fact that I will likely move at least three more times in my life, the difference in weight between glass and high grade, food storage, zip lock, foiled, heat sealed bags and glass is a no brainer. The military is now using these bags for rations. The bags I order have pleated bottoms and I record easily all data needed for each bag on it in permanent marker. They are placed in tubs by type. Aromatic, Va, VaPer.
The weight of my cellar is now almost exclusively the weight of the tobacco itself!
I am not abdicating removal tobacco from jars which are already appreciably aged to bags. Metal tins (aro's) are bagged in two to five tins of like tobacco in bags with oxygen removers. This is only for blends having no Va's.
In my case, it was mostly in aromatics when I made the conversion. The aromatics appear to have survived quite well.I am smoking some of them now.
All my Va and VaPer went into bags upon arrival with the exception of about 10 lbs that was still being jarred at the time, and were no more than a year old. All of these will be long term aged.
Weights are approximate from memory may have been more or less. I need to weight it all now that it is bagged.
Just one old guys way of dealing with his cellar. I find myself looking to a time when I cannot handle things like I did at 40 :lol: