After what can only be described as an inordinate waste, I mean productive, use of my obsessive/compulsive nature, I am very pleased to share the result of years of serious research: This is the actual, honest to god, pipe that Hugh Hefner smoked for so many years back in the day... He had a pretty serious stroke back in the 80s and had to stop smoking :-( but up until that time it is hard to find ANY pictures of him without this wonderful pipe, that may or may not have been permanently glued to his hand- we may never know for sure...Now I fully realize that even my many 'Child Of The 60s' friends may not care one bit about this, but my order is on it's way and I could not be happier (well, maybe if one of the Bunnies could deliver it, I could be happier, but I digress). Had it not been for Hef and James Bond when I was a lad I may have never been able to face adulthood (or it's reasonable facsimile)...Now if I can just figure out how to get the mansion and a couple of hundred million dollars- but I figure the pipe is a good start... :->