The Free Pipe Project 2017

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Feb 6, 2018
Enjoyed a sample of Balkan Sasien from my box this morning. This little pipe is great, best smoke I’ve had! Still having trouble keeping lit however.



Feb 6, 2018
Just wanted to again express my appreciation for Dave and anyone who has donated. As a new pipe smoker in Washington state I have hard time finding a variety of blends with shipping regiulations.. Me and a few friends just enjoyed some of the cult conspiracy the other evening, haven’t had blend I didn’t like yet!



Feb 21, 2013
jcdem', on keeping a pipe lit, dry the tobacco out a little, a few bowls at a time in a small container like an old cereal or crockery bowl, or pack the pipe and leave it overnight; do a "charring" light, an initial light, and when that goes out, tamp it gently to settle the tobacco in the bowl; tamp a little before each re-light to make sure the "fuel" is close enough together to burn evenly. The easiest blends to keep lit are some of the old pouch codger blends like Carter Hall and Prince Albert, and most people like them pretty well too. You'll find this gets easier as you go, and the ritual become muscle memory and doesn't seem as repetitious.



May 30, 2018
It feels a bit weird to me to be asking for it,but I'd be interested in receiving some gear.

So far my budget had me limited to cheap Amazon pipes and I'd love to experience a "proper" pipe.

Hoping to hear from you

May 9, 2018
Raleigh, NC
Just got my shipment of pipes and some tobacco from Dave and I could absolutely NOT be happier! I just got a very lovely Morgan Bones and a L.P.N. Freehand and absolutely love them both. I've already smoked a couple of bowls, one in each to give them a good test run. I also have a very nice assortment of tobacco to go with them that I now have to try out and I cannot wait to give them a go! Thanks again Dave, I really appreciate it!




Starting to Get Obsessed
May 17, 2018
You explained me perfectly.A couple cobs and grabow.Want a better brair but what if it smokes like grabow that's money wasted.So how to get one of these used pipes.



Jul 13, 2011
Yep we are still rolling. We have given away over 400 Pipes and over 50 lbs of tobacco. If you want in tell us about your experience so far. What Pipes you do have and tobaccos you have tried. I will add you to the list and we will go from there. I’m waiting on some donations to come in so you have to be patient. I have some on the restoration table, but my work has picked up so it might be a bit before I can get to those. I will reach out when I have some ready.



Jun 6, 2018
I'd like in. Been slow going so far. Have one pipe - a MM cob that's been good to me so far. I've only tried what I assume to be house blends from my local place - a cherry blossom and vanilla black Cavendish. It's been fun so far. I definitely have patience, so will look forward to hearing from you



Starting to Get Obsessed
May 17, 2018
I made it this long with my country gents I make it a little longer.I got a feeling that brairs aren't gonna smoke any better than my mm anyways.Ill make my conclusion if I get one from this guy.Also I don't need tobacco I do have that and actually could donate some.Yeah I like that.That way its more of a trade than me getting charity.



Jun 16, 2018
If possible I'd like to participate. I'm completely new to this and just smoked for the first time a couple of weeks ago. It's been enjoyable and I have a few friends who smoke pipes who've been encouraging me to continue. The only pipe I have is an MM maple Ozark Mountain pipe that I picked up for $5 and I've smoked an aromatic vanilla flavored blend that's put out by the store I bought the pipe from. I'm in college studying to go to seminary and there really isn't anything for pipe tobacco near me and I have no idea what to buy if I were to shop online so, in addition to being included in this program, I'd love any recommendations for tobaccos to try or tips for someone who is just starting out. Thanks!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 8, 2018
I am interested in this little endeavor. I am new to the pipe smoking and would love to enjoy some new instruments and tobacco to educate myself some more. I have an MM Patriot and a cheap made in France pipe that I bought at a local craft beer store. Along with that pipe I bought some blends that they have which are ok. Any knowledge that I can gain from this forum is greatly appreciated.
Thank you!

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