I don't know what the "Frank method" is, at least not by that name. I laughed at Jay's post, & for that I apologize. My techniques vary by the type of tobacco; either pinchful/tamp, repeat for ribbon/ coarse cut; or crumble/tamp, etc. for crumble cake. As for the rest (just now logging back into the thread & not having any axes to grind for either side on it, nor being a type who takes things personally unless highly *&* willfully provoked), here's what I see:
A couple of the typical wise-acres putting some levity in;
a couple of people giving good answers to the question;
OP getting frustrated at not getting an immediate information-only answer in a forum where levity & humor are a large part of the everyday standard;
a close-to-immediate snap judgment re "proper nature" of the fora, quickly followed by general & personal ad hominems /personal insults;
response by some trying to pour oil on the waters, & by some returning natural & slightly didactic response to unbidden & mostly undeserved slaps;
escalation & continued lashing out & insults.
I don't presume to know *either* what's going on in the heads of anyone involved, but I do think I can identify truculent behavior when it's there. I haven't been a member much longer than smokingcricket has, but I do know that all-caps has been considered to be yelling/screaming online since long before the Internet became a major thing; & that whenever I join a group that's new to me, its rules & generally accepted behavior are things I agree to by participating.
That said, perhaps less emotion & assumption of other folks' attitudes & mindsets might help to defuse a lot of the tension, which frankly I think is not only somewhat excessive, but also unnecessary.
That's all. Sincere & humble apologies to any/all who may take offense at attempt at objective assessment.