The Frank Method

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Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
I just fill a bowl with very little resistance in the draw. Has worked for decades.



Starting to Get Obsessed
May 17, 2018
Tell why you feel the need to chime in.Look at chasing embers a real pipe man tries to help like embers.A real bitch is mouthy like upnorth you guys should take notice



Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 7, 2018
Stomping feet and slamming doors, it's just like having teenage girls in the house again. Get the sand out of your vagina and be a man. This is all in good fun!

May 9, 2018
Raleigh, NC
Wow. That escalated quickly.
I tried the Frank Method, but I found it to be too messy and too much fuss for my tastes. I did try the air pocket method, which helped me out a great deal with smoking tobacco that won't dry out easily, like CB. I tired it on that stuff and it made a world of difference.
P.S. I wouldn't call it bullying, more like just some good old fashioned ribbing. It's something I grew up with and most men just do it to other men. Nothing to get upset about. You got some answers, you got some fun. That's all it was. Never liked throwing that word around. Some guys just like to rib harder than others, you just gotta realize that and then rib'em back as hard or harder.



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
Come on I know some of you fake pipe smokers cant stand it.My spelling or something.
Wow! Now you're calling out your own short comings. Your spelling, punctuation and, sometimes, word choice can be a challenge but, most of us will muddle through. We'll rise to the challenge and so keep your interest. Or, better yet, we'll put our own spin on what we think you are writing. That seems to work for you. So, carry on!
I need a few more post and you guys can win me a cool
I suspected this was all about point count. This was more or less confirmed when you started to respond serially. (One after the other for you people in Petaluma.)
I believe we have reached the blithering (dithering?) stage.
Dude these guys can't stand it.
More correctly, "Dude, these guys can't stand it." Also acceptable would be, "Dude! These guys can't stand it!" You could also have written, "These guys can't stand it, dude!" Similarly, "These guys, dude, can't stand it."
The exclamation points are entirely optional as only you really know how agitated or excited you are. We can only surmise. And, surmise we must.



Oct 7, 2017
La Belle Province, Canada
Tell why you feel the need to chime in.Look at chasing embers a real pipe man tries to help like embers.A real bitch is mouthy like upnorth you guys should take notice
You said,"Come on I know some of you fake pipe smokers cant stand it.My spelling or something."

All I did was surmise that it probably wasn't your spelling so I'd go with "or something". Earlier I agreed you needed a hug and to take some deep breaths.
If that makes me a mouthy bitch it really says a lot about who you are.

Dial it back. You're making a fool of yourself with the name calling and the over the top reactions.



Oct 7, 2017
La Belle Province, Canada
Tell why you feel the need to chime in.Look at chasing embers a real pipe man tries to help like embers.A real bitch is mouthy like upnorth you guys should take notice
I'd also be interested in what your definition of a "real bitch" is. You must be a real charmer with the ladies.

Shame on you.



Mar 13, 2018
SC Piedmont
I don't know what the "Frank method" is, at least not by that name. I laughed at Jay's post, & for that I apologize. My techniques vary by the type of tobacco; either pinchful/tamp, repeat for ribbon/ coarse cut; or crumble/tamp, etc. for crumble cake. As for the rest (just now logging back into the thread & not having any axes to grind for either side on it, nor being a type who takes things personally unless highly *&* willfully provoked), here's what I see:
A couple of the typical wise-acres putting some levity in;
a couple of people giving good answers to the question;
OP getting frustrated at not getting an immediate information-only answer in a forum where levity & humor are a large part of the everyday standard;
a close-to-immediate snap judgment re "proper nature" of the fora, quickly followed by general & personal ad hominems /personal insults;
response by some trying to pour oil on the waters, & by some returning natural & slightly didactic response to unbidden & mostly undeserved slaps;
escalation & continued lashing out & insults.
I don't presume to know *either* what's going on in the heads of anyone involved, but I do think I can identify truculent behavior when it's there. I haven't been a member much longer than smokingcricket has, but I do know that all-caps has been considered to be yelling/screaming online since long before the Internet became a major thing; & that whenever I join a group that's new to me, its rules & generally accepted behavior are things I agree to by participating.
That said, perhaps less emotion & assumption of other folks' attitudes & mindsets might help to defuse a lot of the tension, which frankly I think is not only somewhat excessive, but also unnecessary.
That's all. Sincere & humble apologies to any/all who may take offense at attempt at objective assessment.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
I saw that this one had three pages, and then saw “Frank Method”. I knew right away, knowing how we all feel about the Frank Method that something was afoot.

Well, “we” don’t really hate it. It comes up as suggestions to things like; a hot pipe, staying lit, learning to put tobacco in the pipe, caking or breaking in a pipe, worms, fertility disputes, and gurgles. So, we know of this method. It’s just that no one actually uses it. It’s more like a snipe hunt or sending your kids in to buy blinker fluid. The new guus don’t know any better, and when we see someone using the method, we all chuckle... but, not laughing loud enough to spoil the joke. So, this explains everyone’s posts. But, don’t worry, we were all new at one time or another. Heck, the boys had me lighting my pipe for a whole week using a hemp thread before someone spilled the beans that someone had played a joke on me. :puffy:

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