I have recently tried my hand at restoring some old estates and am finding the process to be rather enjoyable now that I have the hang of it, but I have a small concern. I was working on an old Masterbilt pipe the other day, trying to scrub oxidation off the stem. I have been using a magic eraser to do this at the suggestion of some other forum members as it seemed the most non toxic way to do it, and considering that I dont mind using a little elbow grease. My only concern is that in scrubbing off the oxidation, I have almost started to scrub off the emblem, so I quit scrubbing, and I noticed that there is still a bit of oxidation on that part of the stem. Will leaving this little bit of oxidation affect its smokability/my health? I dont want to scrub the logo off but am afraid of smoking the pipe with the oxidation on there as I don't know if there are any health risks involved. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks!