The Dirty Fact About Pipes That Tempt Me to Quit

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Apr 26, 2012
Washington State
Cleaning my pipes is just another part of the experience. I clean my pipes after every smoke. At least one pipe cleaner and more if necessary and sometimes even a paper towel down the bowl. I only clean my pipes with alcohol about once a year unless one develops a ghost. All my pipes have very minimal cake build up and smoke well.



Dec 14, 2013
@ briarblues,
Not a rant, but simply common sense. I call it PM; 'Preventative Maintenance', and something that I apply to other various simple everyday things in my life. Well, at least I try and when I fail to do so I have only myself to blame.
Less work now = more work later.



Sep 23, 2012

That's all I do too :puffy:



Aug 10, 2010
Cheshire, CT
I've got pipes that I've had for half a century. The only way for that to happen is to keep them scrupulously clean. As an added benefit, a clean pipes a good tasting pipe.



Dec 14, 2013
I just took notice of my last post and realized the ridiculous mistake I made in my last statement.

What I had meant to say was; Less work now = less work later. :wink:



Staff member
May 11, 2011
Covington, Louisiana
As usual, Mike nails it down.
I'm a weird dude. I really enjoy the ritual of cleaning pipes. I travel quite a bit and I've developed a portable cleaning kit that tucks in my suitcase so when I'm sitting In a hotel room I can kick out a couple of pipes so I always have clean pipes.
I spend way too many nights in hotel rooms, carrying a small cleaning kit and putting that time to good use seems like a pretty good idea. I bet the hotel staff really puzzles over the crap in your trash can!
I keep a "Pipe Log" spreadsheet and added a column for "Deep Cleaning" to keep track of mine. And that is the reason I'm staying below a 50 pipe total....



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 5, 2014
I guess I'm the weird one. I clean my pipes the day after I smoke them. I let them dry with the stem pointing upward for 24 hrs. Then, I disassemble them (carefully), twist a paper napkin around the inside of the bowl to get the soot out, run a pipe cleaner through the stem and shank, and hit the mortise and tenon with a q-tip.
This has worked well for me, and I suppose until somebody tells me I'm all FUBAR, I'll continue this routine. :lol:

Aug 14, 2012
Why clean them monthly or at all? I have lots of pipes. I use 2-3 pipecleaners during each smoke to keep them absolutely dry. I almost never clean them otherwise. If a pipe tastes sour, which almost never happens, I soak some cleaners in gin and swab the air passage until the cleaner comes out colorless, then dry. The inside of the bowl never gets alcohol, just a reaming as needed followed by a dry paper towel. The last thing I would do would be to use soap, UGH, or wax. They would ruin the taste.



Can't Leave
Dec 30, 2013
For me cleaning a pipe isn't that much of a chore. I usually just run a pipe cleaner thru my briars after smoking them and usually the next day I'll just wipe out the bowl with a dry paper towel. My cobs usually just get smoked with very little cleaning. For me, cleaning my blackpowder guns are more of a chore.



Feb 6, 2013
Aye Michael, 'twas not a rant but an educational dissertation ye gave us. I found it most informative!
Aye, and I agree too...



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 4, 2014
St.Paul, MN
I usually enjoy the cleaning ritual. I run a couple pipe cleaners thru the stem and shank and twist a paper towel to ream the bowl.
Here is my curveball. I place cleaned pipe/s in a small/medium Tupperware bowl containing 1cup of uncooked white rice. Submerge the pipe vertically into rice. A few grains in the bowl doesn't hurt along as you don't get a grain in the draft hole. Leave covered a few hours or overnight. Remove pipe, wipe it down, and lite her up.
Helps speed dry time if you use a liquid to clean your pipes. Change out rice when coloration occurs or when ever you get hungry for some damn rice!
Best Smoke, Donavan



Aug 20, 2013
I used to clean all my pipes with bristle cleaners and Everclear every six months, but since I resumed smoking two years ago, I've done nothing. Probably when I do get to it they will be filthy, but I try not to think about it.



Can't Leave
Jan 4, 2010
You guys make me feel like like a pipe abuser. I never really have a set time or procedure to clean a pipe. If I haven't smoked it for a long while I might take it apart and check it, but otherwise I don't.

After a smoke I just run a clean pipe cleaner or two through it and then loop them and rub out the bowl. I might rub the rim with my finger if it has accumulated a little smudging. I'll blow through the pipe a few times to get all the flakes out, then set it aside ready for another smoke.

I DON'T leave a pipe cleaner in them. I think they air out better that way. I have done this for many many years and my pipes do not smell bad or taste bad on their next smoke.

I have the equipment to clean them, but I very seldom use it. I haven't seen the need to.



Oct 15, 2013
I've got new estate pipes coming in every week, so I guess I do enjoy cleaning them! I don't smoke in the house but I do enjoy walking around with a freshly cleaned alcohol scented pipe in my mouth.



Mar 1, 2013
I always run a tapered pipe cleaner through my pipe after smoking it and I leave it in the pipe overnight if I am smoking at night. I will then remove it and use it to wipe the bowl down. I will follow with bristled pipe cleaner or two until clean. If necessary I will apply a small dab of Lip Medex to the stem and perform a "spit shine" type process to get it shiny.
You know what I like doing while cleaning pipes? SMOKING a pipe. I just think it goes hand in hand. I try to treat my pipes like my guns, once used they get cleaned. I never plan on selling any of my pipes and want them to last me forever.

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