"The Dilemma of the Frankenstein Pipe Tobacco Mixture ".

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Mar 5, 2014
Greetings & Salutations My Fellow Friars of the Briar,
I have a dilemma that I am hoping some of you might be

willing to help me resolve. Let’s call it the "The Dilemma

of the Frankenstein Pipe Tobacco Mixture ".
A couple of months ago, one cold winter’s day I was

bored. The driveway was shoveled out, sidewalks

salted, cat litter boxes were cleaned and The Warden

had given me a kitchen pass for the remainder of the

afternoon, she’s nice like that! So I was thinking of what I

could do to kill some time and make myself useful. Ah, I

know…I’ll take all that wonderful pipe tobacco that is

accumulating in those plastic storage bins in my closet

and take them to the “Man Cave” and mix it all together

and see what happens! Well, the plan looked good on

So with two large plastic airtight pails of stored pipe

tobacco to the “Man Cave” I went. I guess it was out of

boredom and frustration, and a brief moment of

temporary insanity that I decided to just mix them all

together for fun to see what I would wind up with!
Well this “Frankenstein Mixture” of pipe tobaccos

contains perhaps 10-12 tobacco blends and about 75-

80% aromatic blends of many various brands as well as

some non-aromatic English blends just to make it

interesting. Everything from Lane BCA, Cornell & Diehl

Epiphany, various Sutliff aromatic blends, Hearth &

Home Eggnog and Grandma's Kitchen, J.M. Boswell

Christmas Cookie, Prince Albert and Captain Black. You

name it and it's problebly in there in some proportion be

it an ounce or several ounces!
To say that the experiment turned out great and that the

mixture turned out to be an interesting and palate

pleasing mixture would be an understatement. It's more

like "what in the wide, wide world of sports" was I

thinking? Well here I sit with all this lovely aromatic and

non-aromatic pipe tobacco mixed together. Oh, its

moisture content is just fine. And there really are some

very nice expensive pipe tobaccos in there. Let’s just

say they don't seem to blend together well and the result

it does not please my palate well. I'm confident that none

of you have ever committed such an atrocity! Of course

not...you all have your sanity!
Does anyone have a suggestion how I can mellow out

(dilute) this "pipe tobacco nightmare" out using perhaps

a base tobacco like unflavored Burley or straight

Virginia? There has to be a way to salvage this mixture

and not just dump it out, especially at today’s tobacco

PLEASE, PLEASE someone take pity on this silly minded

old man and help me bring this Frankenstein Mixture

back from the tobacco grave yard to a level of

smokeability! Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You-




Might Stick Around
Sep 18, 2013
Letting it dry to crispy and re-hydrating it could possibly get rid of some of aromatics that are not playing well together. Try it on a bowl or two and see if it works.



Jul 31, 2010
Bethlehem, Pa.
I think masterpython is on the right track by suggesting aging the melange. Aromatics do tend to lose their potency over time so patience may be the cure.



Aug 14, 2011
I've done the same thing but with opposite results.
All the aromatics I didn't like alone got mixed together, and then the same with every thing else. I find it only necessary to separate them into these two categories.
Stick them in a jar and try other blends for 6 months or so, and when I come back around they have transformed into colorful creatures of the night. A true wonder to behold.
You have truly lost your marbles by crossing breeding an aro with a non aro. The success rate of such a wild act is extremely low IMO. Something like mixing a cat and an elephant. You monster!
All you can do now is let it age. Buy a big glass mason jar and seal it away! Chant a spell if you want. Don't open it for a few months.
How much of this evil concoction are you stuck with anyway?
I personally wouldn't bother adding more tobacco to the mix.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 9, 2014
I'm tempted to suggest using tweezers and a magnifying glass to sort out the individual bits of tobacco, and then reconstituting the original blends?
Might be a bit time consuming, though.



Nov 19, 2009
Chicago, IL
I hear that it can make an effective insecticide if you spread it around the foundation of your house. Don't know for a fact, though.



Can't Leave
Mar 1, 2013
I've only done this with scraps at the end of a tin or jar, and maybe up to 4 different blends. Letting the flavors "marry" for a while in the jar does help with flavor.

Mar 5, 2014
Thanks guys for all the great ideas on how to mellow out this "Frankenstein Pipe Tobacco Mixture ".
I especially liked the Colorado pot smoking hippie idea, "cut your losses...take a vacation to Colorado, convince some potheads that this is some African trip weed from Curt Cobain's private stash, and let them pay for your vacation". Who knows maybe I could become the next Walter White. But before I leave for the Rockies’ where do I get my Heisenberg hat?
But seriously guys I appreciate your input and I kind of figured I would need to experiment and break the concoction down into small batches and add some base tobaccos until it returns to a smokeable blend. If this works I may name it "Purple Haze" in honor of Jimmy Hendrix...
P.S. Who the hell is Curt Cobain?




Feb 20, 2013
IMHO, cut your losses & mix in a tub of Prince Albert to mellow out what you have OR dump it. Then leave the blending to Russ & start your cellar over again.



Dec 22, 2013
New York
Have you considered mixing small batches up with something really strong - Twist or Capstan and that will usually bury the taste of anything else or you might consider giving the tobacco the cheap brandy treatment in a large plastic bag to mix it together. You might then consider adding the above tobacco and then leave to mature in a large Mason Jar for a few months with regular sampling say every three weeks. If that does not work please repeat the following mantra every morning ten times before getting out of bed:
"I am not now, nor have I ever been a tobacco blender"



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 30, 2011
First of all, stoners will know that the "weed" you're attempting to sell them isn't authentic, so don't waste your money. Second, it sounds like I would dilute this particular Frankenstein mixture by throwing it in the fires of Hell. Aka a bonfire, or garbage bin.



Feb 28, 2014
Perform a ritual and conduct an open air mass burning, similar to a funeral pyre, and sacrifice it to the tobacco gods. You will be blessed with many future exquisite bowls as a result. Perform it wrong, and the gods will curse you forever more with sloppy wet bowls of disastrous proportions. Good luck, young padawan.



Feb 1, 2014
Augusta, Ga
Here's a fun idea... "Frankenstein or Cinderella"
Put some of it in small sample bags and send a bit to all who will give you mailing costs. Then see what folks reply back here about it.

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