This must be a newbie question, but I'm at my wit's end so turning to you all for help: There is a (very unpleasant) flavor I frequently encounter in pipe tobaccos that I can't name. The best I can do to describe it is the flavor of the thick dark stuff that comes out on a pipe-cleaner from the bottom of a still-warm bowl.
This flavor is the bane of my pipe-smoking existence.
I associate it with the following:
-Too much moisture (drying tobacco tends to reduce it, but in some blends it won't go away until the stuff is tinder).
-A pipe that is going out or burning too cool (although I get it in some blends when the pipe is burning quite well).
-DGT--I tend to notice this flavor when relighting a cold bowl; it doesn't always dissipate quickly.
-A dirty pipe--If I start a new bowl after not smoking the last bowl to the bottom; Combined with the fact that relighting a bowl also tends to cause this taste to come out, I end up in a pickle if I ever have to put down a pipe mid-smoke--or if I get a bowl that just won't stay lit. My solution has been to give a couple quick draws while holding a lighted match into the empty bowl.
--It seems to be most eager to show its head in "strong", "full-flavored", or "palate wrecking" tobaccos.
--I also associate it with a constricted feeling in my esophagus, a tightness swallowing, that I get after a while if I bare-knuckle it and struggle on with the bowl despite this flavor coming out; this leads me think there is something about my physiology that makes me more sensitive to something in tobacco than the average bear--Perhaps this is why the rest of the world seems blissfully unaware of what is to me such an obvious defect of some tobaccos.
The perplexing thing is that, although I've figure out how to avoid it in some tobaccos, this flavor seems to come out in other tobaccos no matter what I do. So it doesn't seem to be just a dirty pipe or wet tobacco issue. E.g., Dunhill Flake, Three Nuns, Capstan Yellow, OGS won't manifest it as long as I avoid moisture, dirty pipes, and letting it burn too cool for too long. PS LNF or PS LBF will manifest this taste no matter what I do. To a lesser degree Escudo or Capstan Blue also have a strong propensity to produce this flavor, though they are not quite as bad as the Stokkebye's flakes. Though it's been a long while since I've smoked any, I also associate it with Latakia blends, but in Latakia blends I remember noticing it more in the aftertaste (I suspect the Latakia masked it while I was actually smoking, so it only dominated in a palate-wrecking lingering effect).
I want to call it tar, but I've never heard anyone mention a strong tar taste in a tobacco review (or any other description that seems to capture the taste, like, "taste of a dirty pipe cleaner" or "tastes like dottle"), and I've never heard people complaining about a tarry smoke in the way they complain about, say, tongue bite.
And this is my problem--I can't articulate what it is I don't like about certain tobaccos, at least not in terms that seem to be a standard and readily understood part of the tobacconist's vocabulary. If there are some tobaccos that will just insist on tasting like this, I want to be able to identify them before I plop down money for a tin I won't be able to smoke with any enjoyment. I want to know what it is that makes some tobaccos tamable and others intransigent. And that's where I'm stuck.
So, is there some varietal, some casing (Rum?), or curing method (Perique?) that causes this taste in the tobacco? Will I have this problem with any tobacco that falls into the medium-to-strong end of the flavor range, so that I just need to resign myself to only buying light tobaccos?
Many thanks in advance!
This flavor is the bane of my pipe-smoking existence.
I associate it with the following:
-Too much moisture (drying tobacco tends to reduce it, but in some blends it won't go away until the stuff is tinder).
-A pipe that is going out or burning too cool (although I get it in some blends when the pipe is burning quite well).
-DGT--I tend to notice this flavor when relighting a cold bowl; it doesn't always dissipate quickly.
-A dirty pipe--If I start a new bowl after not smoking the last bowl to the bottom; Combined with the fact that relighting a bowl also tends to cause this taste to come out, I end up in a pickle if I ever have to put down a pipe mid-smoke--or if I get a bowl that just won't stay lit. My solution has been to give a couple quick draws while holding a lighted match into the empty bowl.
--It seems to be most eager to show its head in "strong", "full-flavored", or "palate wrecking" tobaccos.
--I also associate it with a constricted feeling in my esophagus, a tightness swallowing, that I get after a while if I bare-knuckle it and struggle on with the bowl despite this flavor coming out; this leads me think there is something about my physiology that makes me more sensitive to something in tobacco than the average bear--Perhaps this is why the rest of the world seems blissfully unaware of what is to me such an obvious defect of some tobaccos.
The perplexing thing is that, although I've figure out how to avoid it in some tobaccos, this flavor seems to come out in other tobaccos no matter what I do. So it doesn't seem to be just a dirty pipe or wet tobacco issue. E.g., Dunhill Flake, Three Nuns, Capstan Yellow, OGS won't manifest it as long as I avoid moisture, dirty pipes, and letting it burn too cool for too long. PS LNF or PS LBF will manifest this taste no matter what I do. To a lesser degree Escudo or Capstan Blue also have a strong propensity to produce this flavor, though they are not quite as bad as the Stokkebye's flakes. Though it's been a long while since I've smoked any, I also associate it with Latakia blends, but in Latakia blends I remember noticing it more in the aftertaste (I suspect the Latakia masked it while I was actually smoking, so it only dominated in a palate-wrecking lingering effect).
I want to call it tar, but I've never heard anyone mention a strong tar taste in a tobacco review (or any other description that seems to capture the taste, like, "taste of a dirty pipe cleaner" or "tastes like dottle"), and I've never heard people complaining about a tarry smoke in the way they complain about, say, tongue bite.
And this is my problem--I can't articulate what it is I don't like about certain tobaccos, at least not in terms that seem to be a standard and readily understood part of the tobacconist's vocabulary. If there are some tobaccos that will just insist on tasting like this, I want to be able to identify them before I plop down money for a tin I won't be able to smoke with any enjoyment. I want to know what it is that makes some tobaccos tamable and others intransigent. And that's where I'm stuck.
So, is there some varietal, some casing (Rum?), or curing method (Perique?) that causes this taste in the tobacco? Will I have this problem with any tobacco that falls into the medium-to-strong end of the flavor range, so that I just need to resign myself to only buying light tobaccos?
Many thanks in advance!