greetings and big thanks for everyone above. just installed the router so finally I'm back to the internet or as I call it,: the modern world LOL
Thanks for all your suggestions I feel much better about smoking my pipe now. The biggest change I made is not to rush, not to get frustrated when the pipe goes out. I'm amazed how it works for me: I sip instead of puff, or at least I try to, and leave it for sometime instead of grab a lighter and relight it immediately so the result is my bowl/smoke get way cooler. Although I still got problems with a Mastro de Paja (low-end) pipe but I'm doing better with my other pipes. So there is that.
Packing/Filling: Now I'm more and more cautious about it. It would seem that for the loose ribbons the two step method or my variation (one step: fill the pipe until full, knock the bowl to let gravity do its work, and push it gently to 2/3 or 3/4 of the bowl) work very well. About flakes...well I'm still experimenting on it but I WILL say this: Samuel Gawith flake is not what you want to choose when you want to try the flakes. I've dried a FVF for a day and fold&stuffed it, but it was still hard to light. Gotta keep working on it.
And that leads us to the next topic: Humidity (OMG I almost spelled humility...). Normally I don't worry about the ribbon cuts and I don't prep it unless I feel it's damp. I open a new tin and in few days it will prep itself, at least that what my opinion. Dense cuts like coin/flake I will treat with more respect but that's still a long way for me to go. :D
Breath smoking: REALLY interesting metod. Personally I breath both with my mouth and my nose as it's more natural for me, and the small sips of smoke gathering in your mouth is a really fun experience. Although it comes with side effects. I need to prepare a paper towel to wipe the salivas every now and then and as Micheal mentioned on the other post clench your pipe in different spots is crucial as in other case you WILL have a sour tooth. And another fun fact is that I found out is that when you look at a certain pipe, you think it's comfortable to clench but it's not and vise versa. I have a peterson churchwarden dublin, and you'd thought it's not for clench right? Well that's what I thought as well but I was wrong! Not only does it holds well in the mouth, but also when I lean back it stands comfortably on my chest and I just have to use the strength to hold a cigarette to hold it.
So there are some of my new experience with pipe after I took some advices and did some research. Do correct me if you see anything that I'm doing wrong.
P.S. You can call me jarhead if you like, it just a silly thing that comes with forum registration and I'm used to that ID.
Happy puffing!