The Calm Before the Real Cold Weather Comes

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Feb 27, 2013
Never thought I’d call -3f with a light breeze balmy but after what we’ve had and what’s still coming it sure felt comfortable for my morning smoke.
Here I am again at 3f having the same tobacco, Condor ready rubbed, in the MM Twain with Creamsicle Swirl Forever Stem. Keep it smokey.


Edited by jvnshr: Title capitalization (please check Rule #9)

Jun 27, 2016
I might see that on Friday, not looking forwards to it. My nostrils were freezing the other night as it is.



Jun 6, 2017
Temperature is relative to your conditioning.
In Iraq, when the days hit the mid 130's, we were acclimated to it.
At night, when it dropped into the 60's, we thought we were freezing because it was so drastic a change.
I distinctly remember wearing gloves by a fire barrel at 60-some degrees over there.
Looks like it was nice and sunny there, anyways, Banjo.



Feb 27, 2013
Jay you are so right there, when I came home from Vietnam anything below 60f and I was cold and to make matters worse my next duty station was in SC near the GA border where it got steaming hot, took over a year for my body to readjust to being a native New Englander again. I als smirked a little when we went to visit the in laws in February back in the late 70ks and it was 60 out and I saw kids waiting for the school bus with Sorel boots and snorkel jackets and glove, we were in shorts.




Feb 26, 2015
Slidell, LA
I'm the opposite of Jay and Banjo. I spent 28 months on an icebreaker home ported in Seattle. Two trips inside the arctic and one to Antarctica when we weren't in Washington State. I followed that with 2 years in New Jersey and 3 years in New York. It's took about 20 years after retiring in Louisiana before I got cold again.



Feb 21, 2013
It's absolutely balmy here by comparison, into the teens at night. Maybe we should go to the beach. With age, it takes me a lot longer to adjust to seasonal change. I am amused, though, when it gets cold (for here) since it is the South, a lot of the teenagers and others will insist on staying in shorts and t-shirts. Hey, good for them. But I do say to myself, "Do you own a coat? And when would you plan to wear it?" Maybe they can't find them. Though hiking out to get the newspaper at the end of the drive, which I expect to be mortifying in my bathrobe and short pajama pants, so far has been kind of pleasant, like a splash of cold water on my face. Ah, a new day has come. fish', good to see you back with a lit-up bowl. You're made of sturdy stuff.



Feb 21, 2013
Here's a cold weather memory. When I was an underclassman in Chicago (U of I, Navy Pier) taking a required P.E. course in gymnastics which I passed because of a written report on a gymnastics meet, in order to attend the meet, I walked from the Chicago Northwestern railroad station on a route I usually bussed, but it was nightfall and the busses weren't running often, so I walked. It was nine or ten below. I think the hike was maybe three miles. It wasn't a great neighborhood, but as I quickly realized, any troublesome people were huddled by stoves or heaters somewhere. As I marched along in the cold, I looked in a rather battered storefront and stopped. The vacant shop space had a few tables full of people seated in chairs, maybe from their chilly flats or off the street, most of them nearly or completely asleep, rocked over to the side or heads down on the tables, in what was for them a warming station. If there were any lights at all, they were really dim. Then I had to keep going to stay warm. I've never forgotten that tableau. Haunting it is. Folks hanging on. On my way to a gymnastics meet. I think I caught the bus to get back to the train. I was a skinny rangy kid, no good a gymnastics at all, so a good thing I went.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 26, 2017
Well living in north central Wisconsin, it's been sub zero every day for about 2 weeks now, many nights have been down to low as -20 F. My gas bill will be astronomical this month. With the weather moving out towards the northeast, supposed to get up to 29 F on Sunday, back to no coat weather for me. Not kidding, I don't wear a winter coat to work, shopping, or whatever when it's around 30 or above.

Jun 27, 2016
Been getting some decent snow and wind since 5am. It should go until this afternoon, then it is going to stay windy and get colder tomorrow and Saturday. Local radio is hysterical because it seems that a lot of people are staying home and getting blitzed, and then calling the local radio station. =)



Can't Leave
Dec 21, 2016
Acclimated or not, anything below zero degrees is cold and it doesn’t matter the mind set. I have lived in northern Minnesota and it has been -40 below and that can feel warmer than 0 degrees with a 10 mph wind. But you can’t acclimate to either. It’s just damn cold.



Oct 31, 2011
East Indiana
I love cold weather, it’s been between 2 and 8 deg. here for the past week or so during the day, colder at night, I’m right at home. Now then during the summer, when it’s 90 deg. + with super high humidity, I’m in hell, I hate heat and hate humidity more, I tip my hat to you Southern boys!

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