In my teens I went through a stage for a few months when all I had was the clothes on my back and I lived in a cave.
I had to play cave tetris with all the chicks that kept coming round.
Plus they would bring me food and cigarettes.
In grad school, I slept in the studio the school gave me, showered in the gym, and ate whatever I could cook on a hotplate. My assistantship and scholarship only paid for classes and studio space, so….
I woke up late one night to go to the pubic restroom, and late at night was when I was most likely to get caught living there. But, one night there was a homeless man standing on top of the water fountain taking a crap. My sink…. I was about to ask him why he didn’t just use the public restroom, but he snarls and yells, “What are you looking at?” Ha ha. Like I was intruding.
I moved in with a friend before I got blamed for crapping in the water fountains.