I cannot tell you how many dozens of small, medium and large game I've harvested with a sub 1 inch MOA/100 yards gun....countless.
You font always get your perfect set up in the bush.
A little background first....
I was a veterinarian for the state of Alaska for over a decade.
I spent 24 months straight in the Brooks Range in a cabin. 80 miles ftom a dirt road, 100 miles from a town....completely surrounded by large inland grizzlies and wolves.
In 24 months I went to town once and had 2 heli drops for supplies.
Ive done around 30 nacropsies on brown and black bears after they were involved in attacks on humans.
Ive never hunted bears for food or fun, but have had to eliminate a few unfortunately.
I have hunted a lot of Caribu, moose, goats, sheep, deer of all sort, Elk...and countless small game.
I say all of this just to say....I've done my share of investigations where someone thought they "knew" the bears.....Timothy Treadway comes to mind.
Also, almost 1/2 of the bears I've looked at, had bear spray all over them......if you know what I mean.
Spray may work on nosy bears in a park, but an inquisitive bear in the bush, will walk through your spray.
You're much more likely to be attacked by a black bear than a brown bear. We always teach....play dead with a brown bear, fight a black bear. Most of the time if a brown bear is coming near you, they are nosy. If a black bear comes to you, he's usually hungry. ALL mama's are dangerous ALL the time.
Not only when you get between her and her cubs. We have seen MANY mama's hide her cubs and go after humans from 100 yards away.
If I've learned nothing else working very closely with bears over the years, they can be very unpredictable.
Literally EVERY bear expert I know (hunters and others) have stories of just how unpredictable they can be.
Heavily hunted bears in a relatively populous area a more predictable than bush bears, but all can be dangerous.