Here's a sea story from my time in the Navy at Midway Island, which had an active air/sea rescue function at the time, and also served as a port of refuge for ships needing safe harbor. We got one, a nearly new construction banana boat with a mostly British crew. The new hull had hit heavy weather and the hull plates above the water line actually folded, so they headed for the nearest harbor, which was Midway. The ship was stuck there for weeks. I went out with a whale boat with a party of insurance investigators from Lloyds of London and chatted with a crew member or two. Over their visit, they had to unload their complete load of still green bananas before they ripened and spoiled, so bananas were everywhere, in the cafeteria, the enlisted club, and barracks. Finally temporary repairs were made, and the ship went off to a dry dock in Honolulu or the West Coast. I think some of the bananas got buried in the sand to keep from drawing flies.