My buddy Cigrmaster was kind enough to send me a nice variety of research material for my ongoing projects. I just wanted to take to time to give him a big fat THANKS!!!! I haven't been on the forums as much as I'd like to be and miss you all. You are like my cyber brothers. I have been trying to be the best father I can be and I can't do that while sitting in front of my computer. It is paying off though. I just went to this years first parent teacher conference and found out that my oldest son is doing 3rd grade work in the 1st grade and my youngest son is doing almost 1st grade work in Kindergarten and is ambidextrous. By the time they go to bed, I am beat and crash right behind them. Anyway, here is a pic of what Harris sent me and I want to thank him again. I hope all is well to all of my brothers and sisters of the briar.