I never hear his name mentioned in pipe circles, but I just thought it was time to give a shout-out to Carl Weber, a pipe manufacturer and author from the 1950s-1960s, whose book The Pleasures of Pipe Smoking literally changed my life. I had been attracted to pipe smoking before I discovered this in a used-bookstore in the early 80s, but his wisdom, sense of humor, and thorough explanation of pipes, tobaccos, etiquette, etc. led me to turn that initial attraction into a lifelong passion. I was thrilled several years ago when I found a Weber pipe on eBay and added it to my collection. (They were basic, factory-produced pipes. But it smokes great.)
Anyway, thank you, Carl Weber! You made an impact on me far beyond anything you could probably imagine. (And that cover image still remains one of the most romantic, nostalgic images of pipe smoking I can imagine.)
Anyway, thank you, Carl Weber! You made an impact on me far beyond anything you could probably imagine. (And that cover image still remains one of the most romantic, nostalgic images of pipe smoking I can imagine.)
