The weird thing is how they often use the rhetoric of the 60s anti-establishment counter-culture to express ideas that would antithetical to their other beliefs. No wonder Dennis Hopper was so confused.Down with the Gubmint!
Libertarians are the biggest bunch of whiny, selfish, hypocritical fools this country has ever seen.
Those who take a complex view of reality often seem confused to those who take a simplistic view.The weird thing is how they often use the rhetoric of the 60s anti-establishment counter-culture to express ideas that would antithetical to their other beliefs.
This is not confusing at all. Libertarians are what were once known as "classical liberals," or those who accept the egalitarian regime but want to conserve competition as a means of transitioning forced equality into meritocracy.The weird thing is how they often use the rhetoric of the 60s anti-establishment counter-culture to express ideas that would antithetical to their other beliefs.
Thought control, of course!Control...smoking control, gun control, election control, health control, media control, language control...what's next?
Da Pats, that's who's gonna win.Whose gonna win the Super bowl?
It is very interesting that being "pro-Constitution" tends to be equated with being "anti-government" these days.I never met a libertarian who was against the government. Every one of them I met is pro government. Our government is the Constitution
That's why freedom of speech is so important. When you're afraid to say something you subconsciously become afraid to think it as well.Thought control! whoda thunkit? We are already there.
:roll:Progressivism, which is a bastard child of Marxism. A forced ideology that degrades human kind into a ditch of everlasting poverty and selfless devotion to a religious style of control on the collective.
That's the whole discussion in a nutshell. What made Western civilization unique and great was the emphasis on and protection of individual rights. To the degree Western civilization is dying (and it is), is the degree to which we have abandoned individual rights in favor of rights based on what politically favored group you belong to.What history is more important than a society that elevates the Individual above a collective or a monarch?
Two points:If Western civilization is dying it's because it does things like giving human rights to corporations, and making greed and selfishness into virtues in total contrast to the religion its members claim to follow. I'm not sure why people seem to think socialism (in all its various forms) is not "Western" and that nationalism and libertarianism are.