Tell Me about GH&Co Dark Flake, Unscented

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Oct 14, 2015
Sunny Cornwall, UK.
Jay, once you've tried Dark Flake you might want to give the plug version a trial. Same composition but being in plug form the flavours are more concentrated.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
I have looked for the plugs on this side of the pond, but I haven't found it in stock since I first tried it. If my memory serves, I think you've sent me a sample, Jay. I have been on the email alert list since then. But, yes, the plug version is am zing as well.

I just don't usually recommend it, because it's never in stock, and I also don't want competition in the scramble to get it, ha ha.

Jan 28, 2018
Sarasota, FL
I ordered an ounce with an order I had ready to place, came in today. I cut some into small cubes and let it dry for four hours or so. Loaded it into a small bowl pipe. Took 2 charring lights and one more to get it going good.
I didn’t notice much floral tones at all which was a pleasant surprise. I’m just about finished with the bowl and have found it to be a satisfying smoke. Rather one dimensional like most strong cigars but the flavor is good. It burned well until the last third which required a couple of relights. Burned quite cool. I didn’t notice any particularly strong nicotine hit but I’m not sure how to define that anyway.
I have to admit this tobacco exceeded my expectations. I will smoke the remainder of the ounce and then decide if I want to purchase more. The pros are it seems to be readily available, it comes in bulk, is reasonably priced and delivers a satisfying smoking experience. The con is it lacks complexity.



Jun 6, 2017
My DFu experience has already begun with some complexity.
My email said it was out for delivery today but it did not appear.
Hopefully it will become less complex tomorrow...

Jan 28, 2018
Sarasota, FL
I consider a blend such as Penzance or SPC Plum Pudding or Potlatch complex. Even Jack Knife Plug has complexity. This GH blend had the same flavor profile from start to finish to me. Perhaps if i smoked it in a larger bowl, more complexity would be evident. Perhaps our definition of complexity differs.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
You are correct, Hoosier, those are more obviously complex. Maybe I think of the delicate differences I taste as being more than they are, because of my fondness for it. I definitely don't think ropes are complex, so maybe it's just comparative subjectiveness on my part. I do hope that my assessment doesn't interfere with your enjoyment of it. Tonight I chose Semoise as my strong before-bed-smoke, and that definitely isn't complex at all, ha ha.

Jan 28, 2018
Sarasota, FL
Different tobaccos yield different kinds of enjoyment, at least to me. I enjoyed the intensity of the flavor from the GH Dark Flake. I didn't have to suck in the bottom of the bowl trying to get flavor and that is good. The problem I see with smoking this in a large bowl is I might get bored before I finished. Perhaps a 55 shape would be an ideal compromise.
No different for me than with cigars. I could very much enjoy a very strong cigar in a short, smaller ring gage size. But that same cigar in a Churchill size would bore me to tears before I finished. In fact, I had gotten to the point where most Churchill sized cigars did get monotonous. Complexity and variety of flavors may be the number one aspect of pipe smoking I find so much more appealing than smoking cigars.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 18, 2017
The Kendal Dark Flake that I have has a very slight lakeland scent, but I cannot tase it.
For me it tastes like a good flavorful strong tobacco. The dark fired Virginias and Indian leaf combo in this is excellent.
But, I have never had subpar tobaccos from Gawith-Hoggarth.

Like the Brown Bogie Twist Tobacco It can be a bit high on the

Nicotine hit. So I smoke it slow and always on a full stomach.
About a year ago I read on these fourms about the nicotine blood sugar thing.

The suggestion of having a bit of chocolate with strong tobaccos really helps.



Jun 6, 2017
So, My Precious arrived safely today.
I had a long work day and I want to wait until I'm not so tired to have my first taste, likely tomorrow.
I've reread the thread, paying more attention to how everyone likes to smoke it.
Jiminks says that the flavor profile can change, based on how it's loaded. If anyone has similar experience, I'd like to know more.
He also, along with Cosmic, goes for the larger diameter bowl. A few also mentioned smaller bowl usage.
So, please humor me now by sharing more details of the different ways you've enjoyed this and what worked best.
To give an idea where I am, most of my pipes are larger cylinder shapes, but my best flake pipe happens to be a conical Dublin of a more medium size. I have a stash of unused pipes, from which I'll likely choose one for this adventure.

Jan 28, 2018
Sarasota, FL
Many things are personal preference. There is no absolute right or wrong. I think this tobacco will be good regardless. Try some different things and determine what works best for you.



Jun 6, 2017
Yeah, I know. Just trying to narrow the playing field, as to not stink up too much briar with any Grammaw Sauce... :nana:



Jun 6, 2017
I am the deciderer! I have made a selection. :lol:
I chose the Stanwell #86 brown brushed, one of the $20 pipes from the recent P&C sale.
It's "shortish", lightweight, unfiltered. Medium cylinder bore, pre-carboned. Thicker walls for its size and weight, so hopefully good heat dispersion for those long flake sessions.
It's technically listed as a bent Dublin, so in "sync" with my current flake pipe. I's also my first saddle bit pipe in rotation.
It lacks the conical chamber of my current (Viking) flake pipe, which I feel contributes to its great smoke, but it's time to experiment a bit and see if SaltedPlug is right, and that any shape related differences are BS... :nana:
I've begun its inauguration/break in with half a bowl of C&D Virginia Gentleman.




Aug 20, 2013
With 500g in tow you are amply ready for an adventure into God's best gift to the world of tobacco. Be prepared for nicotine danger which others dare not entertain, and a full flavor, with dark savor, at times vegetal, suggesting the smell of an old pier, but of course minus the fish ha ha.
As regards pipe size and bowl geometry that plague the sensibilities of lesser pipe smokers, who as I'm sure you are aware are wrong about the matter, if only because they persist in disagreeing with me, draw your own conclusions. My experience is that I've smoked the tobacco in some 20 different pipes of all sizes with nary a difference.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
Salted, I totally get what you are saying, but I have to also wonder what the range in chamber diameters are on your pipes. I have some Savinelli Piumas with a .6" diameter, up to 1" wide pipes. If I could get you to try something like maybe Virginia #1 in both the widest and most narrow of my pipes, I think you might taste a difference.
Like the differences in a narrow Camel cigarette and a Camel Wide. Or, even the flavor differences between a 6.5 x 26 ring and a monster Fat Molly cigar. The same tobacco leaf, but I get different flavors, like mixing in more water and sugar to the lemonaid. I mean the lemon still tastes like lemon, but more or less of the other ingredients gives the drink a different flavor, right? But, we can add different descriptors like more sour, to tangy, to sweet yet tickles the tastebuds. For me, it's the same with pipe chamber sizes. But, if all of your pipes merely range from a .75" to .85" then yeh, you won't get any differences.
Hoosier, have you timed how long it takes to smoke wider pipes, verses more narrow? My wider pipes all smoke faster than my narrow one. I think this is because the ratio of width x's depth is more important than the actual numbers plugged into the formula. For me anyways. My .9" wide x 1.2" deep pipes smoke much faster than my .65 wide x 1.7" pipes, because of the depth to width ratios. It works this way for me, YMMV, but give it a try. It'd be interesting to see if you get the same results.

Jan 28, 2018
Sarasota, FL
I definitely believe wider hole bore pipes smoke faster. A fair amount faster in my experience. And the width/depth certainly affects the flavor. Some tobaccos are more affected than others.

Jul 28, 2016
Cosmic:I wonder if this G&H Dark flake has Kentucky Dark fired leaf?Sounds like great tobacco but for the time being, I perhaps choose refrain buying it due to a hefty dose of nicotine but in the future absolutely a must.

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