Salted, I totally get what you are saying, but I have to also wonder what the range in chamber diameters are on your pipes. I have some Savinelli Piumas with a .6" diameter, up to 1" wide pipes. If I could get you to try something like maybe Virginia #1 in both the widest and most narrow of my pipes, I think you might taste a difference.
Like the differences in a narrow Camel cigarette and a Camel Wide. Or, even the flavor differences between a 6.5 x 26 ring and a monster Fat Molly cigar. The same tobacco leaf, but I get different flavors, like mixing in more water and sugar to the lemonaid. I mean the lemon still tastes like lemon, but more or less of the other ingredients gives the drink a different flavor, right? But, we can add different descriptors like more sour, to tangy, to sweet yet tickles the tastebuds. For me, it's the same with pipe chamber sizes. But, if all of your pipes merely range from a .75" to .85" then yeh, you won't get any differences.
Hoosier, have you timed how long it takes to smoke wider pipes, verses more narrow? My wider pipes all smoke faster than my narrow one. I think this is because the ratio of width x's depth is more important than the actual numbers plugged into the formula. For me anyways. My .9" wide x 1.2" deep pipes smoke much faster than my .65 wide x 1.7" pipes, because of the depth to width ratios. It works this way for me, YMMV, but give it a try. It'd be interesting to see if you get the same results.