As any of who who has met me knows I have several tattoos on my arms, including my wrists and forearms. I have never been a guy who has demanded that everyone accept my tattoos and have always complied with regulations by employers to cover them if required. In the funeral industry, it was mandatory, no question. Plus I wore a suit all the time, so it wasn't an issue anyway.
For the past 3+ years I have been working maintenance at a hospital, even while I worked in the funeral biz, Beacuse of the insurance benefits.
From the start I was open about my tattoos and even asked HR when I was hired on, if I needed to cover them and I was told no, because none of them are offensive or provocative. I've interacted with senior management and my Director's forearms are tattooed as well.
Well now the company is going bankrupt and have brought in new management and several departments are going to be outsourced, including mine so they are gunning to get rid of people. So far this week, they have had management meetings and HR has sent out an email about people covering up tattoos. Since my director is leaving in a few weeks I sort of feel singled out.
If I worked in an air-conditioned office all day, I would simply break out the long sleeves and not worry about it, but I do a lot of physical stuff, much of it outside or in non-air conditioned parts of the building. Keep in mind this is Texas and non-air conditioned means 90°F+ heat for months out of the year. Wearing long sleeves simply isn't an option, at least not a good one.
So far, I have decided that if confronted, I am going to be up front about it and tell them that if after 3+ years of having no problems or complaints from patients or staff, and being given the OK by HR when I was hired that I will not wear long sleeves to work and if they want to terminate me, to do what they have to do. At that point I feel I have a good case for unemployment pay since they changed the rules and none of my ink is new.
I wanted to get some opinions, though, on what I should do different, if anything. On one hand, do I go ahead and let them terminate me or is it even worth it to stay with a company that does ignorant stuff like this anyway?
For the past 3+ years I have been working maintenance at a hospital, even while I worked in the funeral biz, Beacuse of the insurance benefits.
From the start I was open about my tattoos and even asked HR when I was hired on, if I needed to cover them and I was told no, because none of them are offensive or provocative. I've interacted with senior management and my Director's forearms are tattooed as well.
Well now the company is going bankrupt and have brought in new management and several departments are going to be outsourced, including mine so they are gunning to get rid of people. So far this week, they have had management meetings and HR has sent out an email about people covering up tattoos. Since my director is leaving in a few weeks I sort of feel singled out.
If I worked in an air-conditioned office all day, I would simply break out the long sleeves and not worry about it, but I do a lot of physical stuff, much of it outside or in non-air conditioned parts of the building. Keep in mind this is Texas and non-air conditioned means 90°F+ heat for months out of the year. Wearing long sleeves simply isn't an option, at least not a good one.
So far, I have decided that if confronted, I am going to be up front about it and tell them that if after 3+ years of having no problems or complaints from patients or staff, and being given the OK by HR when I was hired that I will not wear long sleeves to work and if they want to terminate me, to do what they have to do. At that point I feel I have a good case for unemployment pay since they changed the rules and none of my ink is new.
I wanted to get some opinions, though, on what I should do different, if anything. On one hand, do I go ahead and let them terminate me or is it even worth it to stay with a company that does ignorant stuff like this anyway?